草ぶき屋根の上にアイリスを植える習慣は,日本のみならず,フランスのブルターニュ地方でも見られる.日本ではイチハツが一般的であるが,フランスではジャーマン・アイリスである事は前の記事に述べた.イタリアでもそのような習慣がある事が,英国ロマン派詩人のシェリーが,滞伊中 1818 年の詩 “MARENGHI”
英国のアイリス協会の設立者の一人,リチャード・リンチの書いた,アイリス属のモノグラフ “The Book of the Iris” (1904) には,イチハツは日本で屋根の上に栽培される歴史についての奇妙な伝説が記載されている.
パーシー・ビッシュ・シェリー(Shelley, Percy Bysshe. 1792 - 1822)は,イングランドのロマン派詩人.1818年,シェリーは後妻メアリー(Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin
Shelley, 1797 - 1851)を連れてイタリアに赴き,フィレンツェ,ピサ,ナポリ,ローマなど各地を転々としながらプラトンの『饗宴』を翻訳したり,大作『縛を解かれたプロメテウス』(Prometheus Unbound)を書き進めたりした.
1822年7月8日,ジェノヴァの造船業者に特注で建造させた帆船エアリアル(Ariel)に乗り,フィレンツェ近くの港町リヴォルノ(Livorno)からレーリチ (Lerici) への帰途についた数時間後,ヴィアレッジョ (Viareggio) 沖で突然の暴風雨に襲われ,船が沈没し,死亡した.
彼がイタリア滞在中に作った詩は,後の1905年に出版されたが,「シェリーとのイタリア (With Shelley in Italy : being a selection of the poems and letters
of Percy Bysshe Shelley which have to do with his life in Italy from 1818 to
1822) の
“MARENGHI” には,アイリス (Broad flag) が生えた蘆葺の屋根の家が詠われている.
Shelley in Italy : being a selection of the poems and letters of Percy
Bysshe Shelley which have to do with his life in Italy from 1818 to 1822” by
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, (1792-1822)
Publication date 1905
LET those who pine in pride or in revenge,
Or think that ill for ill should
be repaid.
Or barter wrong for wrong, until the exchange
Ruins the merchants of such
thriftless trade.
Visit the tower of Vado, and unlearn
Such bitter faith beside Marenghi’s urn.
And at the utmost point . . . stood there
The relics of a
reed-inwoven cot,
Thatched with broad
flags. An outlawed murderer
Had lived seven
days there: the pursuit was hot
When he was cold. The birds that were his
Fell dead after their feast in Vado's wave.
1 This
fragment refers to an event told in Sismondi's Histoire des Republiques Italiennes, which. occurred during the war
when Florence finally subdued Pisa, and reduced it to a province. — Mrs.
この詩の主人公 Pietro
Marenghi は,故郷フィレンツェで,死刑を宣告され逃亡していたが,15世紀初頭,フィレンツェ対ピサの都市戦争で,ピサに食料を運ぶガリー船に放火してフィレンツェに勝利をもたらし,1406年には英雄として故郷に錦を飾った.
Mrs. Shelley の註にある Sismondi と彼の著書 “Histoire
des Republiques Italiennes,” については文末に記事.
また,ケンブリッジ大学のボタニカル・ガーデンのキュレーターを1879年から1919年まで務めた ★リンチ(リチャード・アーウィン.Lynch, Richard Irwin. 1850–1924) の “The Book of the Iris” Applewood
Books (1904, 2008) には,イチハツが日本でなぜ屋根の上に栽培されているかについて,厄災を避けるまじない,草ぶき屋根を強固にする目的の他に,領主が地上では,食用の役に立たないイチハツの栽培を禁止したからという伝説が載せられている.この伝説の原典とされる
“book of Japanese Tales”の著者フレイザー夫人(Fraser, Mary
Crawford. 1851 – 1922)は,駐日英国外交官夫人で,Palladia (1896), The Looms
of Time (1898), The Stolen Emperor (1904) など,多くの日本関連の本を書いているが,この原典は特定できなかった
この伝説はEliza Ruhamah
Scidmore “JINRIKISHA DAYS IN JAPAN” (1891),和訳.外崎克久訳『シドモア日本紀行 明治の人力車ツアー』にも記載されていて,訪日外国人の間では知られていたのであろうが,和書では確認できなかった.
“The Book of the Iris” のイチハツに関しては
“Most Irises
love sun, and they love good drainage, so that even on a hill great results may
be obtained. It is even possible to say that the absence of soil may conduce to
success, for then it is that beds and borders have to be made, and the
opportunity is presented for making them of good material, sufficiently deep,
and well drained. Some Irises may even be grown on a prepared roof, but the
present writer is unable to recommend this or any similar situation, unless the
irises are required to serve a special purpose. In
China and Japan I. tectorum is cultivated on roofs, by some, it is said to be,
for the purpose of warding off pestilence, other say that the object is to
strengthen the thatch. Mrs Hugh
Fraser, in her book of Japanese Tales,
states how Irises in Japan came to be grown on thatched roofs.
“Once there was a famine in the land and it
was forbidden to plant in the ground anything that could not be eaten as food.
The frivolous Irises only supply the powder with which the women whiten their
faces, but their little ladyships could not be cheated of that, ‘Must we look
like frights as well we die of hunger?’ they cried, and so every women set a
tiny plantation of Irises on the roof of her house, and there in most country places
they are growing still.”
Some of the Pogoniris group de very well in small depth of soil, and may
be used for roof cultivation.” とある.
シスモンディ(ジャン=シャルル=レオナール・シモンド・ド・,Sismond, Jean-Charles-Léonard Simonde dei, 1773 - 1842)は,フランスの経済学者.フランス最後の古典派経済学者であり,国家による社会改良を求めたことから「経済的ロマン主義の祖」と言われる.
彼の『中世イタリア共和国の歴史,Histoire des républiques italiennes du Moyen Âge』(16 vols.) (1807–18) は,19世紀のイタリア統一の運動に大きな影響を与えた.
I Fiorentini non
credevano fosse possibile cosa l'aprire
una breccia nelle mura di Pisa, di modo che
di ridurre la città per la fame, e di
espugnare intanto ad
uno ad uno i diversi castelli del
territorio. I Pisani dal
canto loro faceano di tutto per provvedersi
di vittovaglie,
al quale uopo spedirono alcune galere a
cercare frumento
in Sicilia. Egli accadde che una di queste
galee, assalita
nel suo ritorno dai vascelli che i
Fiorentini avevano fatto
armare a Genova, si riparò sotto la torre
di Vado. Un Pie
tro Marenghi,
fiorentino, profugo della patria perchè v'e
ra stato condannato a morte, colse il buon
punto per ri
mettersi in grazia de suoi concittadini con
una stupenda
prova. Gittatosi in mare con una fiaccola
in mano, ebbe
l'ardire di recarsi a nuoto ad appiccare il
fuoco alla galea
pisana. E sebbene ferito per ben tre volte
dagli strali che
i nemici scagliavangli contro, pure si
tenne colla fiaccola
alto sotto la prora infino a tanto che vide
il fuoco appic
cato in modo alla galea nemica da non
potersi più spe
gnere. Essa bruciò in faccia alla torre di
Vado, intanto
che il Marenghi
si riduceva in salvo sul lido. Egli fu perciò
richiamato con onore in patria.