elegans (violence)
6-1 6-2 |
Zinnia hort., “The garden. An illustrated weekly journal of horticulture in all
its branches”, vol. 30: Tab 562 (1886) Sept. 18, 1886. Garden Flora. PLATE 562. FRENCH
By the
introduction of this new race of Zinnias another beautiful addition has been
made to the list of those half-hardy annuals which render our open-air gardens
so brilliant during late summer and autumn. The development of this race has
been the work of many years, for it has always been the aim of florists,
especially those on the Continent, to produce a strain of Zinnias which would
combine a refined and fully double flower with a dwarf and neat habit of
growth. The present race, which has been aptly called dwarf Pompon-flowered
combines these characteristics admirably, in addition to a wonderful range of
colours which are more varied even than are to be found among Dahlias. The
value of such a beautiful dwarf strain of Zinnias as this is cannot be
over-estimated, for it is capable of producing a more brilliant effect than any
other class of plants.
* Drawn from
flowers sent by MM. Vilmorin, Paris ,
August 30, 1855.
Zinnias have
not yet become so widely grown as they deserve to be; indeed, it is probable
that many who garden have not seen a fine double strain, and therefore are
ignorant of the handsome forms, rich colours, and the various other admirable
qualities which Zinnias possess. Still, it cannot be long ere we shall see them
as common as are more popular tender annuals. In the production of masses in
big beds, for instance, it would be difficult to excel in beauty the strong growing
forms of Zinnia elegans if planted in good soil and given ample room for growth.
E., Bois, D., Favourite flowers of garden and greenhouse, vol. 2: t. 138
Order COMPOSITE. Genus Zinnia
History Zinnias have been known in British gardens
since the year 1753, when Z. pauciflora was introduced, followed seventeen
years later by the similar Z. multiflora. Z. elegans, the most important
species, and the only one generally grown, was introduced a hundred years ago.
Cultivation has turned its single series of ray-florete into many, so that the
disk-florets are few. There are a number of garden varieties, as well as some
hybrid forms, of which Z. elegans is one of the parents. They are esteemed on
account of the variety of tints of their flowers and the long period during
which they are in bloom, the ray-florets retaining their form and colour until
the seeds have ripened.
Species: ZINNIA ELEGANS (elegant). Stem erect, hairy, 2 feet high. Leaves
long-oval, stalkless, stem-clasping. In a natural condition the flower-heads
are some shade of scarlet, but the cultivated forms, of which a few are shown
in Plate 138, vary from white, through yellow and buff to scarlet, crimson,
rose and purple, about 2 inches across ; June to September.
of Plate 138: Cultivated varieties-Z. elegans , Fig. 1, the fruits; 2, a
seedling. The flower-heads here depicted give a fair idea of the colour
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National Gallery of Art |
米国の国民的な女性画家,メアリー・カサット (1844-1928) の “Woman with a Red Zinnia” (1891) (National Gallery of Art,右図) は一輪の真紅の八重のヒャクニチソウを持って思いに沈む中年女性を描いている.ヒャクニチソウの英俗名 “Youth and age” (若さと老い)を想起すると,この女性は過ぎ去った若くて溌剌とした日々を思い,これから来る老いに思いを馳せているのかもしれない.
“Youth and age” と言う名について,A. M. コーツはその著作 “Flowers
and their Histories” では,”It is sometimes called Youth and Age; a name for which I can find
no explanation” 「ジニアは若さと老い
(Youth and Age)と呼ばれることがあるが、その名前の由来は不明である。(和訳『花の西洋史
ヒャクニチソウ-8 八重種,ポンポン咲き 英・白 画譜,バー&サグデン商会,ビートン夫人
ヒャクニチソウ-8 八重種,ポンポン咲き 英・白 画譜,バー&サグデン商会,ビートン夫人
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