
謹賀新年 2018 戌年 Dogs-Tooth Violet. セイヨウカタクリ Dog rose, イヌイバラ

イヌにちなんだ植物の Antique Botanical Print は,以下の二図版を持っている.セイヨウカタクリの記事は,“Botanical Magazine”,及びそこに引用されている,パーキンソンの Paradisi in Sole” より,イヌイバラの記事は,加藤憲市『英米文学植物民俗誌』より,引用した.なお,Dogs-Tooth Violet(イヌの歯スミレ)の名は,鱗茎がイヌの歯に似ている事に由来する.

William Curtis “Botanical Magazine or Flower Garden Displayed”. Vol.1, No.5
Erythronium dens canis. Dogs-Tooth, or Dogs-Tooth Violet. セイヨウカタクリ (1787),手彩色銅版

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Class and Order.
Generic Character.
Corolla 6-petala, carapanulata: Nefctario tuberculis 2-peta-
lorum alternorum bafs adnatis.
Specific Character and Synonyms.
ERYTHRONIUM Dens Cants. Liri. Syst. Vegetal, p. 2 69.
Sp. PL p. 437.
Dens Canis latiore rotundioreque folio; Bauh. Pin. 87.
Dogs-Tooth with a pale purple flower. Park. Parad. p. 194.
Of this genus Mr. Miller makes too species; Linnaeus, perhaps with more propriety, only one, for breadth of leaves or colour of flowers can scarcely be considered as sufficient to constitute a specific difference.
It is found in the gardens with purple flowers of two different tints, also with white and yellow blossoms, grows naturally in Hungary and some parts of Italy, and blows in the open border at the beginning of April.
" They are propagated by offsets from their roots. They love a shady situation and a gentle loamy foil, but should not be too often removed. They may be transplantedany time after the beginning of June, when their leaves will be quite decayed, till the middle of September ; but the roots should not be kept very long out of the ground, for if they shrink it will often cause them to rot. The roots of these flowers should not be planted scattering in the borders of the flower- garden, but in patches near each other, where they will make a good appearance." Miller's Gard. Dict.

Park. Parad. p. 194. (John Parkinson (1567-1650) Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terrestris (Park-in-Sun's) 『日当たりの良い楽園・地上の楽園』” (1629))

Dens Caninus flore purpurascente. Dogs tooth with a pale purple flower.
This other Dogs tooth is like unto the former, but lesser in all parts, the leafe whereof is not so long, but broad and short, spotted with darker lines and spots : the flower is like the other, but smaller, and of a delayed purple colour, very pale sometimes, and sometimes a little deeper, turning it selfe as the other, with a circle round about the umbone or middle, the chives hereof are not white, but declining to purple : the roote is white, and like unto the former, but lesser, as is said before.

Dens Caninus flore rubro. Dogs tooth with a red flower.
This is in all things like unto the last, both for forme and bignesse of flower and leafe : the chiefe difference consisteth in this, that the leaves hereof are of a yellowish mealy greene colour, spotted and streaked with redder spots and stripes, and the flower of a deeper reddish purple colour, and the chives also more purplish then the last, in all other things it is alike.

The Place.
The sorts Dens Caninus doe growe in divers places; some in Italy on the Euganean Hils, others on the Apenine, and some about Gratz, the chiefe Citie of Stiria, and also about Bayonne, and in other places.

The Time.
They flower in March most usually, and many times in Aprill, according to the seafsonablenesse of the yeare.

The Names.
Clusius did call it first Dentali, and Lobel, and from him some others Satyrium, and Erythronium, but I have said enough hereof in the beginning of the Chapter. It is most commonly called Dens Caninus, and we in English, either Dogs tooth, or Dogs tooth Violet. Gesner called it Hermodactylus, and Matthiolus Pseudohermodacttylus.

The Vertues.
The roote hereof is held to bee of more efficacy for venerous effects, then any of the Orchides and Satyrions. They of Stiria use the rootes for the falling sicknesse. Wee have had from Virginia a roote sent unto us, that wee might well judge, by the forme and colour thereof being dry, to be either the roote of this, or of an Orchis, which the naturall people hold not onely to be fingular to procure lust, but hold it as a secret, loth to reueale it.

E. Cox, “Medical Botany or History of Plants in the Materia Medica of the London, Edinburgh, & Dublin Pharmacopoeias, Arranged According to the Linnaean System” (1819-1822)     
The print is in excellent condition with bright coloring & detailed illustrations on heavy Whatman Turkey Mills paper that is creamy in color & strong, with some prints bearing the characteristic watermark.
The print measures approximately 5 1/2 inches wide by 9 inches long.
Vol.1, No.19, Rosa Canina, Dog rose, イヌ(イ)バラ (1820)  手彩色銅版

Dog roseRcaninaイヌバラ)は生垣や茂みにこくありふれた落葉牲小かん木で垣根に植えたり、roseの接ぎ木の台木とする。
dog rose’ の呼称は園芸種 garden rose に対するもので、dog-parseleydog-thistledog-violet などのように、優美・有益な同種のものに対して、卑しい無価値な野生種に ‘dog’ を話して呼ぶことが多い。が ‘dogrose’ の場合はL Rosa canina の英訳で、古代ギリシアでその根の煎(せん)じ汁を恐犬病の薬としていたからともいうし、また、とげが多いところから‘dag rose’ (i. e. dagger rose)のなまりだともいう。Plinyの伝える話に、一ローマ兵が恐犬にかまれた。その母親は夢でroseの根の薬効を教えられ、息子の傷をこれで治したという。
Dog roseの花期は67月で 夏の花という印象が強く、この種が咲き始めればいよいよ明るい暑い夏の到来を感じさせる。7月中旬以降はもう咲かない。花の色はまちまちで、白も
あるが、普通は濃淡さまざまなピンクが多い。花は散りやすい。Garden roseほどの芳香はない。実は甘く、小鳥の好物で、チェシアではこの木をbird-brierと呼んでいる。昔、果物の少なかった時代にはこの果肉をデザートにしたり、タートに利用した。MGrieveA Modern Herbalには、「ある古い著作家」からと断わって次の一節が見えている。
Children with great delight eat the berries thereof
When they are ripe and make chains and other pretty
geegaws of the fruitcookes and gentle women make
tarts and suchlike dishes for pleasure
今でもドイツでは砂糖づけにするし、ロシアやスウェーデンでは この実を発酵させて一種の酒を造る。イギリスでも第2次世界大戦中にOrangeの生産が減ったとき、この実を集めて、ビタミンCの豊富なrose-hip syrupを作った。この実にはcankerscankerberriesdoghipscat-hipsdog-berriesなど、俗称が多い。」

加藤憲市『英米文学植物民俗誌』冨山房 (1976)

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