Iris tectorum と異なる新種と判断し,Iris tomiolophaの学名をつけて,1872 年に英国の植物誌に発表した.しかし後に I. tectorum と同一種と判明し,この学名は
Iris tectorum の synonym とされている.
また,日本産植物の研究をサバティエの採取した標本に基づいて行い『日本植物目録』(1875 - 79) を出版したフランシェは,パンダやハンカチノキを西欧に初めて紹介したダヴィット神父が採取し,パリの自然博物館に送った腊葉標本を研究した.その成果を
“Plantae Davidianae ex Sinarum imperio ” で発表したが,その中には,イチハツもあり,三点のイチハツの標本が現在 NET で見ることができる.
ヘンリー・フレッチャー・ハンス(Henry Fletcher Hance,1827 - 1886)は,イギリスの外交官で,1814年に香港に派遣され,その後,広州の黄埔の副領事,広東の領事,厦門の領事を務め,厦門で没し,香港に埋葬された.外交官の仕事の余暇に中国の植物を収集し,英国植物雑誌などに多くの新種を発表した.
彼は地元(Whampoa, 黄埔)の庭に植えられていたイチハツの根茎を得て,自分の庭で栽培し,二年後に花が咲いた.この植物の性状が
Iris tectorum と異なると判断し,Iris tomiolophaの学名をつけて,1872 年に英国の植物誌
“Journal of Botany, British and Foreign. London, Vol. 10” に新種として発表した.しかし後にI. tectorum と同一種と判明し,現在この学名は
I. tectorum の synonym とされている.
“Journal of Botany, British and Foreign.
London” 10. 229-231 (1872)
H. F. HANCE, Ph.D., etc.
duloso tenuiter annulate, innovationibus
sessihbus, foliis læe viridibus
arete equitantibus falcato-eusiformibus
acutis ob nervos 6 reliquis Paulo
fortiores 3 pagina superiore 3 inferiore
parum prominulos folia
pedalibus medio 12-16 lin. latis. scapis
subcompressis subptuinosis folia
subæquantibus, spathis herbaceis
complanatis bifloris trivalvibus valba
exteriore lanceolato-lineari 5-pollicari
florem pnius explauatum superante
altera ovata acuta 2-pollicari tubo floris
serius expansi æquilonga intima
conformi eo dimidio breviore, floribus
diurnis inodoris 3 (1/2) poll, diametro
erectis, pedicellis ovarii longitudine,
perigonii tubo crassiusculo viridescente
pollicari ore callis 6 glandulosis
instructo, laciniis subsequalibus,
exterioribus late unguiculatis inferne
ereeto-patentibus superne reflexis
ungue albido venis violaceis percurso
crista siraplici conspicua grosse
inæqualiter laciniata alba violaceo-striata
usque ad medium laminam
producta apiceque dimidiam fere ejus
latitudinem adsequante aucto et
prseterea lineis 3 elevatis laminam haud
attingentibus utrinque notato
lamina obovato-rotundata obtusa margine
crispulo-undulata lilacina
maculis linearibus saturatioribus picta,
interioribus erectis angustius unguiculatis
ungue lateribusconniventi-inflexis albido
purpureo-picto lamina
dilute lilacina prater imam basin
immaculata cochleariformi obtusa margine
crispulo-undulata, filamentis liberis
complanatis pallide lilacinis
antheras albidas lamillulara haud
attingentes duplo longioribus, stylo
inferne tubo perigonii adnato superne
libero, stigmatibus magnis ligulatis
sursum sensim paulo latioribus dilute
lilacinis perigonii laciniis dimidio
brevioribus cristis ad basin usque bifidis
divaricatis oblique truncatis extus
irregulariter argute serratis lamillula
papillulosa angustissima truncata
laminæ sequilata.
The above
character is drawn up from specimens which flowered with
me in April of this year for the first
time, the rhizomes having been obtained
two years ago from a native garden, where
the plant was cultivated
for ornament. It is
probably a native of one of the interior provinces.
Though the rhizomes are almost tasteless,
they leave in the throat, when
chewed, a very unpleasant sensation of
heat, acridity, and dryness. The
affinity of this very
handsome species is with the Japanese I.
Maxim. ; the Nipalese I. decora,
Wall. ; and the North American I.
Ait. The former
differs from the description * in having very acuminate
and deeply keeled leaves,
a two-valved spathe, with the valves blunt, and
I suppose nearly equal ;
both series of the perigone-segments reflexed and
alike in shape, besides
other points. The second has longer, narrower, and
sharper leaves,—I believe a two-valved
spathe,—the perigone-segments
are differently coloured and split, the
crest is smaller and merely toothed,
and the stigmas are of a different shape
and longer. I. cristata, winch
agrees with the Chinese plant in its
3-valved spathe, is much smaller; the
leafy shoots are stalked, the perigone-tube
is thread-like, exceeds the
spathe, and is much longer than the
segments, which are uniform in
colour, and with a different crest, etc.
The section to
which this plant and its allies belong,—and which might
be called Lophiris —has been altogether overlooked by M. Spach in his
revision of the genus, + which,
notwithstanding its many omissions,—
arising mainly from a praiseworthy
resolution not to attempt to class
species of this difficult genus only known
to him from dried specimens,—
is, in my judgment, a more successful
attempt at a natural grouping of
the species than those which have since
been made by Parlatore, Will-
komm, Klatt, and Alefeld. Although the
genus Iris, as usually circum-
scribed, shows considerable diversity of
structure, yet the different modi-
fications are so variously combined, that
no two of the botanists who have
proposed its dismemberment are at all
agreed as to the limits of the genera
* Mel. Biolog.
Acad. Petersb. vii. 563.
+ Ann. Sc. Nat.
ser. 3, v. 89. sqq.
to be admitted, those of one author in
every instance encroaching on those
of others, and including one or more
species classed differently by some
other writer.* This in itself seems to me a
convincing proof that the old
genus is far more natural than the proposed
segregates. I think, however,
that Hermodactylus,
which is distinguished by the remarkable character
of a unilocular ovary, has been rightly
separated by Parlatore, but with
this exception, so far from dismembering
the genus, I should be rather
inclined, as suggested by M. Spach, to
augment it by the addition of
Moræa. Mr. Baker has recently detached the bulbous species from
those furnished with a rhizome;+ but it is
to be observed that these dif-
ferences are not associated with
co-extensive peculiarities of floral struct-
ure, plants which agree in this respect
being sometimes manifestly allied
to members of the other series. Moreover, I
believe it to be unphiloso-
phical to found a genus on a solitary
vegetative character ; and, although
there is a tendency on the part of
pteridologists and bryologists to exalt
such characters at the expense of those
derived from the reproductive
organs, or at any rate to assign them a
co-ordinate value, such a course,
when dealing with flowering plants, is
certainly opposed to the consensus
of botanists. If Mr. Baker's views are
adopted, it will be necessary, in
the allied Order Liliacece, to separate the section Rhiziridium from the
bulbous Allia.
* E. g. Iris Caucasian, Hoffm., has been
referred to five different genera by recent authors
+ Journal of
Botany, ix. 9. sqq,
日本産植物の研究を,お雇い外国人として横須賀製鉄所に勤務していたサバティエの採取した標本に基づいて行い『日本植物目録』(Enumeratio Plantarum in Japonia Sponte Crescentium, 1875 - 79) を出版したフランシェ (Adrien
René Franchet, 1834-1900) は,パンダやハンカチノキを西欧に初めて紹介したダヴィット神父 (Armand David, 1826 - 1900) が中国各地で採取し,パリの自然博物館に送った腊葉標本を研究したが,その内には,52の新種が発見された.その成果は “Plantae Davidianae ex Sinarum imperio ” (1884 – 1900) に発表されたが,その第一巻にはイチハツを神父が 1873年の四月に,中国のほぼ中央に位置する陝西省南部の丘で観察したと,引用文献と共に掲載されている.
★Franchet “Plantæ Davidianæ ex
Sinarum imperio. I. Plantes de Mongolie du nord et du centre de la Chine”
collected by Armand David from the Chinese empire. I. Plants of Northern
Mongolia and Central China.]
tab. 746; Bot. mag. Tab. 6118; Franch. Et Sav. Enum. Pl. Jap., II, p. 41
méridional, sur les collines. Avril 1873
神父が採集し,パリのフランス自然博物館の標本館が収蔵しているイチハツ三点の標本を現在 NET で見ることができる.(https://science.mnhn.fr/institution/mnhn/item/list?full_text=Iris+tectorum)
Iris tectorum Max.
Iris tectorum Max.
Iris tectorum Max.
Shensi mérid.
Shensi mérid.
Shensi méridional
?. ?. David Avril 1873
?. ?. David Avril 1873
Avril 1873
by. ?. ?. Arm. David
A. Franchet
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