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撮影 いばらきフラワーパーク |

画像の「三段咲き」は『本草要正』の段咲類の項に「サンダンサキ」と記載されている珍しい品種で,黄金,緑,黄金と三段に咲き,花弁数85~120枚,花径5~6cm と大輪の花で,全開するのにひと月もかかるがその分長く楽しめる.
江戸時代のフクジュソウのモノグラフとしては,群芳園弥三郎ほか画『七福神草』嘉永元 (1848) 成や著者・成立年代不明の『福寿草写生図』(明治の写本?)の画像がネットで見られる(右上図)が,鉢や置台にも江戸の園芸文化の粋が感じられる.

Tab. 7490.
Native of Mancuria and Japan Adonis amurensis as discovered on or near the Bareya Mts.,on the right bank of the lower Amur river,Lat. 50 N., in what are now called the Amur Provinces of Russia;and it has since been found in Islands of Sachalin, Jesso,and in the north of Nippon.
The Japanese work cited above (Fu Ku Juso Schin Dsu) consists of twenty-one figures of varieties, or more probably garden sports of A, amurensis,of all sizes,with single and double flowers, white, grey,yellow,green, purple,roose-colrd. and scarlet. Some are double like "bachelor's buttons; "others are have five laciniate petals, like a Dianthus. The sepals are often represented as ovate,acuminate,and very dark-colrd., and there are deviations from the type which might excite suspicion as the good faith of the artist.
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