CBM. Vol. 92 (1866) TAB. 5597 |
タラヨウを最初に記録に残した西欧人は,1690-92 年に長崎出島のオランダ商館に医師として滞在した★エンゲルベルト・ケンペル(Engelbert
Kaempfer, 1651-1716)で,その『廻国奇観』(Amoenitates Exoticae , 1712)の “Fasciculus V, p775” に「葉羅多 タラヨウ」という漢字名の他に「オニモチ(鬼黐)」と一般的に呼ばれ,真っ赤な小さな実をびっしりつける観賞価値が高い庭木として植えられている」と記し,カロルス・クルシウス(Clusius, Carolus, (1526-1609))の記録したセイヨウバクチノキと同じか?と記した.(左上図)
“葉羅多 Taraijo,
vulgo Onimotsj. Lauro-Cerasus, flosculis in luteum
languentibus, tetrapetalis, numerosis, sub foliorum axillis in modum racemi
confertis, fragrantibus; fructu pisi magnitudinis, rubente, umbilicato, quatuor
intus granis, figurae seminum pyri, in orbem conglobatis. Ob
sempiternam pulchritudinem in hortulis colitur. An Lauro-Cerasus Clusii?”
Lauro-Cerasus:カロルス・クルシウス(Clusius, Carolus, A.K.N. de
l'Écluse, Charles (1526-1609))『パンノニア,オーストリア,およびその近隣の稀産植物誌』(Rariorum aloquot Stripium per Pannoniam, Austriam et Vicinas
Historia 1583)より(右図)
現在でも有効な学名を与えたのは,リンネの高弟で,日本には1775 - 1776年の短い間滞在し,後にリンネの後を継いだ★カール・ツンベルク (Carl
Peter Thunberg, 1743-1828) で, “Syst. Veg., ed. 14: 168 (1784)” に
172. ILEX. Cal 4-dentatus. Cor.
rotata. Stylus O. Bacca 4 sperma.
latifolia. IO. I. fol. ovatis
serratis, flor. axillaribus aggregatis.
Thunb. l. c. M.”
と記し,学名を Ilex latifolia
X.” の項に
”latifolia. I.
foliis ovatis serratis, floribus axiliaribus aggregatis.
Japonice: No Ko Giri.
Caulis arborescens.
Rami rigidi, angulati,
Folia alterna, petiolata,
ovata, obtusiuscula, serrata
margine reflexo,
supra nitida, subtus pallida, patentia,
duos pollices
lata, tripollicaria.
Petioli subtriquetri,
canaliculati, fusci, unguiculares.
Flores supraaxillares, e
gemmis plurimi aggregati, pedunculati.
Pedunculi unguiculares.” と,日本名は「ノコギリ」と記した.(左図,上部)
この,『日本植物誌』記載のラテン名を伊藤圭介 (1803-1901) が,シーボルトの指導を受けて,対応する和名と漢名を記した出版物,『泰西本草名疏 下』(1829)には,
---- LATIFOLIA タラエフ 娑羅樹」とある.(左上図,下部)
江戸時代後晩期の医学・理科学の発展に大きく貢献した★シーボルト (Philipp Franz Balthasar von Siebold, 1796–1866,日本滞在 1823–1829, 1859–1862)は帰国後★ヨーゼフ・ゲアハルト・ツッカリーニ (Joseph Gerhard (von) Zuccarini,
1797 – 1848) と協力して,持ち帰った多くの資料を基に日本植物の研究を行った.その成果は『日本植物誌』に美しい図入りで刊行されたが,それ以外にも学術雑誌に論文として発表された.“Abh. Akad. Muench. 4(2)
p. 147
28. (240. Endl.)
87. Ilex
147. Il.
crenata Thunb. - - - - -
149. Il.
latifolia Thbg. I. ramis angulatis, foliis alternis petiolatis, in eodeni
ramo figura variis, oblongis ovatis vel ellipticis, acuniinatis vel obtusis,
argute serratis vel leviter crenatis utrinque glabris superne lucidis, petiolis
trigonis, floribus axillaribus e gemmis propriis umbellato-fasciculatirs
numerosis, pedunenlis unifloris. I.
latifolia Thbg. Fl. jap. p.79. — I. macrophylla Blume Bijdr. 17. p. 1150.
Rami angulati, crassi. Folia figuia et
magnitudine varia, petiolata, petiolo semipollicari crasso superne plano
canaliculato subtus carinato; lamina 3—8" longa, 1 1/2—3" lata,
oblonga, elliplica vel ovata, acuminata vel obtusa, vario modo serrata,
coriacea, lucida. Flores ultra 20 in quovis fasciculo, e viridi flavescentes.
Drupa parva, glabosa, coccinea, plerumque tetrapyrena, pyreuis trigonis.
とタラヨウがツンベルクの命名した “Ilex Latifolia” の学名で記し,その性状が詳しく書かれている.
タラヨウは英国に移出・栽培され,有名な園芸家・植物学者の★サー・ジョセフ・パクストン(Sir Joseph Paxton, 1803 -1865)& ジョン・リンドリー(John Lindley, 1799 - 1865)の ”Flower Garden III” (1852) の “GLEANINGS AND ORIGINAL MEMORANDA” の項には,大きなスペースを使って,タラヨウの記事があり,単色ながら挿図も載せられている.寒地にも耐えられる強さと,赤い実と常緑の葉の美しさが庭園木として高く評価されている.
ILEX LATIFOLIA, A hardy evergreen tree, with long shilling leaves, greenish
flowers, and small red axillary berries. Said to be a native of Japan. Belongs
to Aquinifoils. (Fig. 240.)
This is a stout, stiff, evergreen, hardy
tree, of great beauty. Every part is entirely free from hair. The shoots, which
are deep green or tinged with violet, are somewhat angular near the ends. The leaves,
which are from six to eight inches long, are deep green, not coloured at the edge,
flat, oblong, acuminate, sharply and pretty regularly serrated, except at the base,
which is entire, and gradually narrows into a petiole about three quarters of
an inch long. The flowers are small, hermaphrodite, pale green, in very close
axillary racemes, about as long as the leafstalks, and supported by short,
ovate, acute, shining, car- tilaginous bracts. The berries, which ripen in
February, are in short compact clusters, of a dull red colour, and nearly
spherical; each contains from four to five stones, in which we have never
succeeded in finding a kernel.
This valuable plant passes under the name
of Ilex latifolia, by which Thunberg designated
a small tree called, in Japan, No-Ko-Giri; but, if the statement of that
botanist can be trusted, his plant must be different, for he says the leaves
are egg-shaped, and three inches long by two broad, which gives them an
entirely different outline from the species before us, the proportion of whose
leaves is not three by two, but six or seven by two, a very material
difference. Nevertheless, in the absence of any authentic evidence, we leave
the garden name as we find it, especially since it is probably the I. latifolia of Zuccarini and Siebold (Floae japonicae familioe naturales,
sect, i., p. 40), or I. macrophylla of
Blume. According to the first of these authors, the leaves in the wild plant
vary in form, being, on the same branch, oblong, ovate, or elliptical,
acuminate or obtuse, and finely serrated, or slightly crenate.
The species nearly approaches the Ilex Perado of the Hortus Kewensis, a
native of the Canaries, figured in the Botanical
Magazine, t. 4079, under Webb and Berthellot’s name of I. platyphylla, another very handsome hardy shrub, differing from
this in bearing clusters of large white flowers, and fruit more than twice the
size of that of the present plant. There is no doubt that this I. latifolia, of which we believe two
varieties are in cultivation, and which is plentiful in the nurseries, is as
hardy as the common holly itself.
同じ英国で刊行され,現在でも続けられている★『カーチスの植物雑誌 (Curtis’s Botanical
Magazine)』Vol. 92 (1866) の TAB. 5597 には,” ILEX LATIFOLIA. Broad-leaved Japanese
Holly.” として花を付けたタラヨウと,実との美しい石版手彩色画(文頭図)とともに,記述されている.

“This noble Holly, though often supposed to
be one of the later importations from Japan, has long been cultivated in the
Royal Gardens, where it has stood without protection, trained against a wall,
for many years, and quite uninjured. In the open air I have not observed it
flowering, but it flowers abundantly in the Temperate House during June and July.
In other places near London and elsewhere, it is cultivated as a standard ; and
though I have never seen it luxuriant under such circumstances in the east of
England, it no doubt succeeds perfectly in the west. It is a beautiful shrub,
of a paler green than the common Holly, with similar berries, and the flowers
are produced in round heads of a pale yellow-green colour. As a species it is
extremely closely allied to an arborescent Himalayan species that I have found
in the Sikkim province, which has however large berries containing a bony three
to four-celled nut, which does not, as in this, break up into four nucules. I
have native specimens of I. latifolia,
collected near Nagasaki by the late Mr. Oldham, collector for the Royal
Gardens, from whose seeds the plant.
DESCB. A tall evergreen glossy bush.
Brunches very stout, angular, grooved when dry. Leaves three to seven inches long, oblong linear-oblong or
oblong-lanceolate, acute, obtuse or acuminate, serrate, bright glossy-green
above, paler and opaque below : nerves
numerous, obscure when fresh. Flowers probably dioecious, in axillary, dense,
subglobose, green clusters an inch to an inch and a half in diameter. Calyx with four short rounded lobes. Corolla cleft nearly to the base into
four broadly oblong, obtuse, concave, pale-green lobes. Stamens usually larger
than the corolla ; filaments
filiformsubulate. Berries half to
two-thirds of an inch in diameter, bright-red, globose or a little depressed,
with a large persistent four-lobed stigma, containing four bony nuts. - J. D. H
Fig. 1. Flower. 2. The same, open 3. Calyx
: - all magnified.”
明治初期に造船技師としてフランスから招聘された★サバティエ(Paul Amédée Ludovic Savatier, 1830–1891)は帰国後,フランシェ (Adrien René Franchet, 1834-1900) と共同で『日本植物目録』(Enumeratio
Plantarum in Japonia Sponte Crescentium, 1875-79) を出版したが,これには,九州の山地に多く,オルダム*は長崎で,シーボルトは長崎の岩屋山**で,サバティエは箱根で観察し,日本名は「Toraia(鳥黐の事か)」とある.
Thunb. fl. Jap. p. 79. —Miq. Prol. 269.
HAB. in regione
montana insulae Kiousiou, prope Nangasaki (Oldham*); in monte Iwaja (Siebold)**.
Nippon media, in montibus Hakone (Savatier,-n. 224).
* Richard Oldham (1837-1864), 王立キュー植物園から日本及び中国に送られたプラントハンター.
** 石山禎一『シーボルト 日本の植物に賭けた生涯』(2000) 里文出版 「長崎近郊への調査の旅
ドイツ系ロシア人の★カール・ヨハン・マキシモヴィッチ(Carl Johann Maximowicz または Karl
Johann Maximowicz, 1827 - 1891)は1860年から1864年2月まで日本に滞在し ,精力的に日本の植物相調査を行った.手始めに函館で採集助手として須川長之助 (Sukawa, Tschonoski, 1842 – 1925) を雇い ,およそ1年ほどをそこで過ごし渡島半島の植物相調査を行う.1862年 ,助手の長之助を伴って横浜を経由し九州へ向かう.九州では長崎に1年余り滞在し
,周辺を調査するとともに長之助を雲仙 ,阿蘇 ,霧島などへ遣わした.またこのとき ,たまたま日本滞在中であったシーボルトとも長崎で会っている.その報告,Mem. Acad. Sci. St.-Pet. ser. 7, 29(3) (1881) の “MEMOIRES DE
“ 14. I. latifolia Thunb. Fl. Jap. 79. Arbor vasta coma densa, ramulis
crassis glabris hornotinis angulatis; foliis amplis rigide coriaceis superne
lucidis elevato-costatis subtus opacis laeviusculis , inferioribus ovatis
ellipticisve obtusis, reliquis ovalioblongis oblongisve, utrinque breve
acuminatis, serrulatis; cymulis ♂ 1 — 3-floris atque ♀ abortu 1-floris in pedunculo
petiolum superante racemosis, bracteis numerosis ovatis; floribus 4-meris,
calycis lobis rotundatis ciliolatis, corolla rotata partita calycem plus triplo
superante, stamina in ♂ subaequante, in ♀ superante, ovario fl. ♂ obsoleto, ♀ globosoovoideo stigmate lato plano;
drupa globosa opaca sordidulococciuea subsicca, pyrenis 4 trigonis
sulcatorugosis. Sieb, et Zucc. 1. c. n. 149. Miq. Prol. 269. Franch. Savat. 1.
. I, 77. Lindl, et Paxt. Fl. g. III, 13, fig. 240. Bot. mag. 5597. I. macrophylla Bl. Bijdr. 1150. Oni motsj seu
Taraijo, Kaempf. Amoen. exot. 907.
Japonice in Kiusiu vulgo noko-ki, in Yedo: tarayov, unde I. Tarajo h. Angl., an etiam Decaisne in
Van Houtte, fl. d. serr. IX, 187., ubi ab I.
latifolia distinguitur foliis inaequaliter dentatis oblongolanceolatis
acuminatis, petiolis violaceis? Vox tarayov
a Hoffmann (Noms indig.) a sinica tôo tô
yë derivatur, stirps igitur fortasse et in China occurrit.
In Nippon: Yedo culta, fine Octobris fructif. (ipse), montib. Hakone
(Savatier ex Franchet). Kiusiu, circa
Nagasaki (Oldham! n. 146 fructif.) v. gr. ad rivulum prope templum Meosuzi,
arbores crassitie femoris, init. Maji fl. ♂, ♀, ad viam versus
Himi ducentem, ad latus meridionale collium, sylvula e pluribus arboribus,
init. Maji c. fructu (ipse), in monte sylvoso Yuwaya, arbor vastissima
Affinis I. denticulatae Wall, (vidi specc. Wight
ex hb. Kew. acc. n. 438, Wight hb. propr.
n. 490, Perrottet n. 720, Ilex spec,
Metz n. 1455: I. nilagirica Miq., Metz n. 1456), quae etiam inflorescentia
axillari racemosa in utroque sexu gaudet et drupas pyrenasque (distinctius
rugosas) floresque similes habet, sed multo magis micropliylla est et folia
opaca pancicostata reticulo subtus prominente habet. I. insignis Hook. f. 1. c. 599, valde I. latifoliae affinis dicta, adulta tantum quoad folia similis
est, eximie vero differt foliis pl. juvenilis spinososerratis, cymis ♀ sessilibus, pyrenis in massam 4-locularem con~ natis. Praeterea
habet folia minus coriacea, nervos minus numerosos, sub angulo acutiore egressos
et subtus prominentes, superne vero impressos. Ad I. insignem duco specc. Roylei s. n. I. macrophyllae Royle nec Wall, flor., Sikkimensia a G. King frf.
S. n. I. insignis, Griffithii flor.
n. 2004 distrib. Kew. s. n. I. dipyrenae
Folia I. latifoliae inferiora petiolo 15 mm., lamina 80:55 mm., superiora
petiolo 20 mm., lamina 165:65 mm., supra saturate, subtus pallide
lutescentiviridia, costis utrinque ultra 16, divergentibus, mox venosis et
anastomosantibus. Flores diam. 7 mm., luteoviriduli. Filamenta subulata,
antherae ovatae. Drupa 8 mm. Pyrenae 4 : 3 mm. magnae, dorso planiusculo
inordinate et subobsolete rugosae.
Tab. 1. fig. 2. Pyrena a dorso et ventre, quinquies
文中挿図:ケンペルのは京都大学図書館,他は Internet Archive の公開デジタル画像より,部分引用