
ツリフネソウ-5.マンドレイク ヒポクラテス,テオプラストス,プリニウス,ディオスコリデス

Impatiens textorii

前々記事にあるように,ツリフネソウは『本草綱目』にある「坐拏草」と誤考定されていたが,その本体は現在でも不明である.一方その「坐拏草」の項の「附録」の「押不蘆」は,その記述のもとになった資料から,欧州の伝説的霊薬「マンドレイク(Mandragora officinarum & sp.」に該当すると思われる.

From "Magni Hippocratis Coi opera omnia"
Linden, Johannes Antonides van der, ed (1665)
The Medical Heritage Library
「医聖」と呼ばれる近代医学の祖,ギリシャ,コス島のヒポクラテスHippocrates , 紀元前460 – 370 頃)の名を冠した『ヒポクラテス全集』にも,マンドレイクの薬効と処方が記載されている.この書の編纂はヒポクラテスの死後100年以上経ってからとされ、内容もヒポクラテス派(コス派)の他、ライバル関係であったクニドス派の著作や、ヒポクラテスの以後の著作も多く含まれると見られている。

Hippocrates – Volume VIII ” Places in Man. Glands. Fleshes. Prorrhetic 1-2. Physician. Use of Liquids. Ulcers. Haemorrhoids and Fistulas” (Loeb Classical Library, Translated by Paul Potter (1995)
39. To those who are troubled and ill and want to hang themselves give mandrake root to drink early in the morning, an amount less than would make them delirious. A convulsion must be treated as follows. Keep fires lighted on each side of the bed, and have the patient drink Mandrake root to an amount less than would make him delirious; to the posterior tendons apply warm poultices. If a fever comes on in consequence of a convulsion, the convulsion stop on the same day, on the next day, or on the third day. Fever arising from a tear does not last for more than three or four days; if a fever does last, although it may be held to be from a tear, in fact it is from something else, and you must not treat it as if it is from a tear. When a person is suffering spasms in his legs and arms, he become delirious.
「私訳,39. 問題を抱え病魔に苦しみ,自ら首を吊ろうと思っている人には,早朝,せん妄状態をもたらすよりは少ない量のマンドレイクの根を与えて飲ませる.痙攣には以下のように対処するべきである.ベッドの両側に明かりをつけて置き,病人にはせん妄状態をもたらさない量のマンドレイクの根を飲ませる.臀部の腱には温めた湿布を貼付する.もし発熱が痙攣の結果ならば,一両日の内に痙攣は止まる.裂傷に由来する発熱は三,四日の内に治まる.もし発熱が続くようなら,原因は他にあり,裂傷としての治療をしてはならない.足や腕に攣縮がある人の場合は,(マンドレイクを投与すると)せん妄状態となる.」

テオプラストスTheophrastus371 B.C. 287 B.C.)の『植物原因論,ENQUIRY INTO PLANTS, IX. VIII. 7-8』(translated by Sir Arthur Hort, The Loeb Classical Library, 1916)には
“Thus it is said that one should draw three circles round mandrake with a sword, and cut it with one's face towards the west; and at the cutting of the second piece one should dance round the plant and say as many things as possible about the mysteries of love. (This seems to be like the direction given about cummin, that one should utter curses at the time of sowing.)”
「(私訳)このように,マンドレイクの周りに剣で三重の円を描き,顔を西に向けて切るべきであり,二切目を切る際には植物の周りでダンスをしながら,愛の神秘についてできるだけ多くの事を話すべきであるといわれている.(これはクミンの種を播く際には,罵りの言葉を浴びせかけるべきという指示と同様と思われる)」” as many things as possible about the mysteries of love” はマンドレイクの媚薬としての効果から由来するのかもしれない.クミンと同様バジルにも他人の悪口を云いながら播種すると,成長がよいとの伝承がある.

古代ローマの著名な博物学者,プリニウスGaius Plinius Secundus, 22 / 23 79)の『博物誌 Naturalis historia”』 (77 -) Book XXV には,
“XCIV. MANDRAKE 147 Some physicians used to employ the mandrake also ; afterwards it was discarded as a medicine for the eyes. What is certain is that the pounded root, with rose oil and wine, cures fluxes and pain in the eyes. But the juice is used as an ingredient in many eye remedies. Some give the name circacon to the mandrake. There are two kinds of it : the white, which is also considered male, and the black, considered female. The leaves are narrower than those of lettuce, the stems hairy, and the roots, two or three in number, reddish, white inside, fleshy and tender, and almost a cubit in length.
「九四 マンドラゴラ ある人々はマンドラゴラも眼薬として用いていた。だが後には眼の治癒には使われなくなった。その根を潰してバラ油やブドウ酒に混ぜたものは、流涙や眼の痛みを癒すことは確かである。その汁は多くの眼薬に混ぜられている。マンドラゴラをキルカユオンと呼ぶ人もいる。これには二種類ある。雄性と見なされている白い種類と、雌性と見なされている黒い種類である。葉はレタスよりも細く、茎には毛が生えている。根は二、三本で赤みがかっているが、内部は白く、肉のようで柔らかい。ほとんど一クビトウム(約 44 センチ)の長さになる。」 
雄性は Mandragora officinarum で,雌性は M. autumnalis と考えられている.目薬として使われるのは,含まれるアトロピンのためか?

“148 They bear fruit of the size of filberts, and in these are seeds like the pips of pears. When the seed is white the plant is called by some arsen, by others morion, and by others hippophlomos. The leaves of this mandrake are whitish, broader than those of the other, and like those of cultivated lapathum. The diggers avoid facing the wind, first trace round the plant three circles with a sword, and then do their digging while facing the west. The juice can also be obtained from the fruit, from the stem, after cutting off the top, and from the root, which is opened by pricks or boiled down to a decoction. Even the shoot of its root can be used, and the root is also cut into round slices and kept in wine.
148 これはハシバミの実ほどの大きさの実をつけ、その実の中にはナシの種子のような種子がある。この種子が白いものは、アルセンともモリオンともヒッポフロモスとも呼ばれる。この種類の葉は明るい色をしていて、栽培種のラバトウムのように他の種類よりももっと幅広い。これを掘る人は風に向かわないように用心し、まずそのまわりに剣で三つの輪を描き、それから西向きになって掘る。汁は実からも、先端を切り落とした茎からも、刺して穴を開けた根からも取れるし、あるいは煮出してもよい。根から生えている側根も有用である。また根は輪切りにしてブドウ酒に入れて保存する。」

“149-150, The juice is not found where, but where it can be found it is looked for about vintage time. It has a strong smell, but stronger when the juice comes from the root or fruit of the white mandrake. The ripe fruit is dried in the shade. The fruit juice is thickened in the sun, and so is that of the root, which is crushed or boiled down to one third in dark wine. The leaves are kept in brine, more effectively those of the white kind. The juice of leaves that have been touched by dew are deadly. Even when kept in brine they retain harmful properties. The mere smell brings heaviness of the head and—although in certain countries the fruit is eaten—those while in ignorance smell too much are struck dumb, while too copious a draught even brings death. When the mandrake is used as a sleeping draught the quantity administered should be proportioned to the strength of the patient, a moderate dose being one cyathus. It is also taken in drink for snake bite, and before surgical operations and punctures to produce anaesthesia.
For this purpose some find it enough to put themselves to sleep by the smell. A dose of two oboli of mandrake is also taken in honey wine instead of hellebore—but hellebore is more efficacious—as an emetic and to purge away black bile.
149 この汁はどこでも見出されるわけではなく、それが見つかるところでも、ブドウの収穫期のころに探す。この汁には強い匂いがあるが、白いマンドラゴラの根や実から取った汁の匂いはいっそう強い。熟した実は陰干しされる。この実から取った汁は日に当てて濃縮する。根も潰して同様にするか、赤ブドウ酒に入れて三分の一に煮つめる。葉は効き目が強いので塩水に漬けて保有する。さもないと、取りたての汁は猛毒となるからである。塩水に漬けておいたものでも毒性があり、その匂いを嗅いだだけでも頭が重くなる。
150 とはいえ、ある地方ではその実を食べている。しかし無知な人々はこの匂いを嗅ぎすぎて口がきけなくなる。これを飲みすぎると死ぬことさえある。これを睡眠薬として用いる場合には患者の体力に応じて投与せねばならない。適当な服用量は一キユアトウス (約45ミリリットル) である。これはヘビに咬まれたときにも、切開や穿刺のときの麻酔薬としても服用される。これらの用途には、匂いを嗅がせて眠らせるだけで十分だと考える人もいる。マンドラゴラ 二オボルス(約1.1グラム)をハチ蜜に入れたものは、ヘレボルムの代わりに - ヘレボルムの方が効き目がある吐瀉(浣腸?)薬としても、黒胆汁を抜き取るためにも服用される。」
「和訳:大槻真一郎編『プリニウス博物誌 植物薬剤篇』八坂書房 (1994) より引用」

古代ギリシャのペダニウス・ディオスコリデスPedanius Dioscorides, 40 - 90)の『薬物誌 De Materia Medica libriquinque”』(紀元1世紀)の “Book 4 Roots” には
Mandagoras has a root that seems to be a maker of love medicines. There is one sort that is female, black, called thridacias, with narrower, longer leaves than lettuce, with a poisonous, heavy scent, scattered on the ground. Among them are apples similar to serviceberries — pale, with a sweet scent — in which is seed like a pear. The two or three roots are a good size, wrapped within one another, black according to outward appearance, white within, and with a thick bark; but it has no stalk.
コンスタンティノープルで,512/513 AD に作成された写本
"Vienna Dioscurides"  に描かれたマンドラゴラス
The male is white, and some have called it norion. The leaves are bigger, white, broad, smooth like beet but the apples are twice as big — almost saffron in colour, sweetsmelling, with a certain strength — which the shepherds eat to fall asleep. The root is similar to that above, yet bigger and paler, and it is also without a stalk. The bark of the root is pounded and juiced while it is fresh, and placed under a press. After it is stirred the beaters should bottle it in a ceramic jar. The apples are also juiced in a similar way, but the juice from them becomes weakened. The bark from the root is peeled off, pierced with a thread, and hanged up in storage. Some boil the roots in wine until a third remains, strain it, and put it in jars. They use a winecupful of it for those who cannot sleep, or are seriously injured, and whom they wish to anaesthetise to cut or cauterize. Twenty grains of the juice (taken as a drink with honey and water) expel phlegm and black bile upward like hellebore, but when too much is taken as a drink it kills. It is mixed with eye medicines, medications to ease pain, and softening suppositories. As much as five grains (applied alone) expels the menstrual flow and is an abortifacient, and put up into the perineum as a suppository it causes sleep. The root is said to soften ivory, boiled together with it for six hours, and to make it ready to be formed into whatever shape a man wants. Applied with polenta, the new leaves are good both for inflammations of the eyes and ulcers.
マッティオラ注釈 1598
76MANDRAGORAS Atropa mandragona ナス科の植物

They dissolve all hardnesses, abscesses, glandular tumours [possibly goitre], and tumours. Rubbed on gently for five or six days it defaces scars without ulcerating. The leaves (preserved in brine) are stored for the same uses. The root (pounded into small pieces with vinegar) heals erysipela [streptococcal skin infection], and is used with honey or oil for the strikes of snakes. With water it disperses scrofulous tumours [glandular swelling], goitres and tumours; and with polenta it soothes the pains of the joints. Wine from the bark of the root is prepared without boiling. You must put three pounds (of the bark of the root) into thirteen gallons of sweet wine, and three cupfuls of it is given to those who shall be cut or cauterized (as previously mentioned). For they do not notice the pain because they are overcome with dead sleep; and the apples (inhaled or eaten) are sleep inducing, as is the apple juice. Used too much they make men speechless. A decoction of the seed of the apples (taken as a drink) purges the womb, and given as a pessary with sulphur that never felt the fire it stops the red excessive discharge [menstrual flow]. It is juiced — the root first incised or cut around various ways — and that which runs out is then gathered into a bowl; and the juice is more effective than the liquid. The roots do not bear liquid in every place; experience shows as much.

They give out also that there is another sort called morion growing in shady places and around hollows, having leaves similar to the white mandrake but smaller (as it were), twenty centimetres long, white, lying round around the root. This is tender and white, a little longer than twenty centimetres, the thickness of the great finger. They say as much as a teaspoon of a decoction of this (taken as a drink or eaten with polenta in placetum, or food that is eaten with bread), will infatuate [cause unconsciousness]. For a man sleeps in the same fashion as when he ate it (sensible of nothing for three or four hours) from the time that it is brought him. And physicians also use this when they are about to cut or cauterize [anaesthetic]. They say also that a decoction of the root (taken as a drink with strychnos manicum*) is an antidote.  * ベラドンナ

It is also called antimelon, dircaea, circea, circaeum, xeranthe, antimnion, bombochylon, or minon; the Egyptians call it apemum, Pythagoras, anthropomorphon, some, aloitin,  thridacian, or cammaron; Zoroastres calls it diamonon, or archinen, the Magi, hemionous, some, gonogeonas, the Romans, mala canina, and some, mala terrestria.
これはまた Antimelon, Dircaea, Circaeum1*,ⅩerantheAntimnionBombochylonMinonなどとも呼ばれる.エジプト人は Apemum,ピタゴラスは Anthropomorphon2)と呼ぶ.AloitinThridacianCammaronとも呼ばれる.ゾロアスタは DiamononArchinen,マギ達は Hemionous と呼ぶ.Gonogeonas とも呼ばれる.ローマ人は Mala canima3)と呼ぶ.Mala terrestria4)とも呼ばれる.
(1)    魔女キルケ*の草(ギ),(2)人の形をしたもの**(ギ),(3のリンゴ(ラ),(4)地中のリンゴ(ラ)
* ホメーロス作『オデュッセイア』にも書かれているアイアイエー島に住む美魔女キルケー.漂着したオデュッセウスの部下たちを,マンドレイク酒を飲ませて豚に変えたと言われている.

また,”Book 5, Wine” には
Cut the bark of the roots into pieces, pierce half a pound of them through with a thread, and put them into nine gallons of must for three months. Afterwards store it in another jar. A weak dose is a quarter pint. It is taken as a drink with double the amount of passum [raisin wine] added to it. They say that half a pint of it, mixed with six pints [of raisin wine] and taken as a drink, brings one into a heavy, deep sleep. And that one winecupful (taken as a drink with a pint of wine) kills. The moderate use of it takes away the sense of pain, and thickens outflows of body fluids, and either inhaled or given as a enema it does the same.
「和訳:鷲谷いづみ『ディオスコリデスの薬物誌』エンタプライズ 1983/05 出版)より引用」

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