
オシロイバナ-11 梅毒 欧州での治療法 水銀燻蒸と癒瘡木,ベンヴェヌート・チェッリーニ『チェッリーニ自伝』

Mirabilis jalapa

コロンブスの第一回航海がイスパニア島(ハイチ)よりもたらしたとされる梅毒は,帰帆した 1493年にはバルセロナに上陸し,1494年には,フランス王シャルル八世のイタリア遠征軍のスペイン傭兵がもちこみ,翌年,ナポリに駐留することによってイタリアに蔓延した(当時はフランス病,ナポリ病と呼ばれた).バスコダガマの大航海の艦船の乗組員によって,1495年にはインドのカリカットに上陸し,マレー半島,中国広東,中国全土への拡散し,日本にもわたってきた.

欧州における治療法としては,梅毒と共に持ち込まれたユソウボク(癒瘡木 or 愈瘡木 Guaiacum officinale L)と呼ばれる南米原産の硬木の材から抽出した樹脂を服用する事と,水銀蒸気で全身を燻蒸することの二つが汎用された.

ユソウボクと他数種の近縁種の材は,ラテン語で「生命の樹」という意味のリグナムバイタ(lignum vitae)と呼ばれることもあり,南米から輸入されるため非常に高価で,ドイツのフッガー家はこの輸入販売で財を成したと言われる.

左図:水銀燻蒸治療を受けるナポリ病の患者(LESPAGNOL AFFLIGE DU MAL DE NAPLES16世紀木版画
右図:癒瘡木の治療を受ける富者 ca.1580 銅版画(原画:Jan van der Straet (1523 –1605,彫版:Philip Galle (1537 –1612))手斧で削っている材が癒瘡木

ルネサンス期イタリアの金細工師・彫刻家で,多くの富豪・教皇・王族にその作品が評価され愛蔵されたベンヴェヌート・チェッリーニBenvenuto Cellini, 1500 - 1570)は,その奔放な『チェッリーニ自伝』でも知られる.

この書には,梅毒の治療法として上記の二法が記述され,更に水銀法に関しては,それを拡げたとされる,当時の名医Jacopo Berengario da Carpi (ヤーコモ・ダ・カルビ,c. 1460 – c. 1530) がローマを訪れて富裕な患者に行った水銀燻蒸法と,彼自身が罹患した際のユソウボク抽出物による経過が述べられている.彼は前者の後遺症がシビアであること,後者によって彼は全快したと記している.

以下に「自伝」の該当部分の,英訳及び和訳を載せる.英訳は “The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini, Translated By John Addington Symonds” (Symonds, John Addington, 1840-1893), (2 volumes; London: J. C. Nimmo, 1895) ,和訳は,『チェッリーニ自伝〔全2冊〕』古賀弘人訳,岩波書店,岩波文庫 赤711-1 (1993) による.

AS I have said above, the plague had broken out in Rome; but though I must return a little way upon my steps, I shall not therefore abandon the main path of my history. There arrived in Rome a surgeon of the highest renown, who was called Maestro Giacomo da Carpi. This able man, in the course of his other practice, undertook the most desperate cases of the so-called French disease. In Rome this kind of illness is very partial to the priests, and especially to the richest of them. When, therefore, Maestro Giacomo had made his talents known, he professed to work miracles in the treatment of such cases by means of certain fumigations; but he only undertook a cure after stipulating for his fees, which he reckoned not by tens, but by hundreds of crowns. He was a great connoisseur in the arts of design.
The Pope would fain have had him in his service, but he replied that he would not take service with anybody in the world, and that whoso had need of him might come to seek him out. He was a person of great sagacity, and did wisely to get out of Rome; for not many months afterwards, all the patients he had treated grew so ill that they were a hundred times worse off than before he came. He would certainly have been murdered if he had stopped.


Messer Alfonso, quite affronted, let some contemptuous words escape him, and exclaimed: Who are you, then, you who do not know what you are saying? I replied: Listen for a moment, and afterwards judge which of us knows best what he is saying. Then turning to Messer Alberto, who was a man of great gravity and talent, I began: This is a copy from a little silver goblet, of such and such weight, which I made at such and such a time for that charlatan Maestro Jacopo, the surgeon from Carpi. He came to Rome and spent six months there, during which he bedaubed some scores of nobleman and unfortunate gentlefolk with his dirty salves, extracting many thousands of ducats from their pockets. At that time I made for him this vase and one of a different pattern. He paid me very badly; and at the present moment in Rome all the miserable people who used his ointment are crippled and in a deplorable state of health.


IT was true indeed that I had got the sickness; but I believe I caught it from that fine young servant-girl whom I was keeping when my house was robbed. The French disease, for it was that, remained in me more than four months dormant before it showed itself, and then it broke out over my whole body at one instant. It was not like what one commonly observes, but covered my flesh with certain blisters, of the size of six-pences, and rose-coloured. The doctors would not call it the French disease, albeit I told them why I thought it was that. I went on treating myself according to their methods, but derived no benefit. At last, then, I resolved on taking the wood, against the advice of the first physicians in Rome; [1] and I took it with the most scrupulous discipline and rules of abstinence that could be thought of; and after a few days, I perceived in me a great amendment. The result was that at the end of fifty days I was cured and as sound as a fish in the water.
Some time afterwards I sought to mend my shattered health, and with this view I betook myself to shooting when the winter came in. That amusement, however, led me to expose myself to wind and water, and to staying out in marsh-lands; so that, after a few days, I fell a hundred times more ill than I had been before. I put myself once more under doctors orders, and attended to their directions, but grew always worse. When the fever fell upon me, I resolved on having recourse again to the wood; but the doctors forbade it, saying that I took if it with the fever on me, I should not have a week to live. However, I made my mind up to disobey their orders, observed the same diet as I had formerly adopted, and after drinking the decoction four days, was wholly rid of fever. My health improved enormously; and while I was following this cure, I went on always working at the models of the chalice. I may add that, during the time of that strict abstinence, I produced finer things and of more exquisite invention than at any other period of my life. After fifty days my health was re-established, and I continued with the utmost care to keep it and confirm it. When at last I ventured to relax my rigid diet, I found myself as wholly free from those infirmities as though I had been born again. Although I took pleasure in fortifying the health I so much longed for, yet I never left off working; both the chalice and the Mint had certainly as much of my attention as was due to them and to myself.
Note 1. That is, Guiacum, called by the Italians 'legno santo.'
13 聖なる樹 - 癒瘡木(ゆそうぼく)(スペイン語でguayaco)。その樹脂の癒瘡木精(グワヤコール)は発汗剤、利尿剤、下剤の効能を備えており、梅毒(文中ではフランス病)の治癒に大いに活用された。」

と,癒瘡木の decoction(煎液)が著効を示し,再発時にも効果を発揮したとある.


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