リンネの「植物の種 “Species Plantarum” Ver.
1」(1753) に記載されたムシャリンドウ属(Dracocephalum)に属する種の内,オランダの植物学者・解剖学者のフレデリクス・ルイシ(Frederik Ruysch, 1638‐1731)へ献名された” D. Ruyschiana” は,後に述べる日本のムシャリンドウに与えられた学名とも関連するので,その記述を次に示す.その参照文献(モリソン『オクスフォード大学の植物史』)にある別名 “Chamapityos” は,「背の低い松」のギリシャ語に由来する古い植物名で,ディオスコリデスやプリニウスの著作にも記載されている薬用植物である(次記事).
リンネ「植物の種 “Species Plantarum” Ver.
lanceolatis indivisis muticis.
Dracocephaluin follis linearibus indivifis
spicatis, Hort. ups. 165. *
Ruyschiana glabra, foliis integris. Amm. ruth. 50,
Ruyschiana Hore cæruleo magno. Boerh. Lugdb I p.172
Pseudo Chamæpithys austriaca. Riv. mon. 106.
Prunella hysspi folio viridi, amplo flore cæruleo.
ris. Bist1). 3. p. 364. f. II. t 5. f. 9.
in Sibiria*, Suecia**. ♃***”
* Sibiria:シベリア,*** Suecia:スウェーデン,♃***: リンネ著作中のシンボルで
Jupiter = perennial 多年生草本を表す
Moris. Bist: ロバート・モリソン(Robert Morison, 1620–1683)“Plantarum Historiae Universalis Oxoniensis『オクスフォード大学の植物史』”
モリソンは,スコットランドの植物学者,分類学者であり,オクスフォード大学で研究をした,イギリスにおける植物分類学のパイオニアである.1683年に荷馬車との事故で負傷して没したので,執筆中のこの主著は未完に終わったが,第2巻以降は,ジェーコブ・ボバート(Jacob Bobart, the younger, 1641–1719)が受け継いで出版した.
その第三巻 (pars tertia, 1699) の p363 には,
vel Brunella*.
“9. Prunella Hyssopi folio viridi, ampio flore caruleo,
Nobis. Hyssopus Austriaca magno flore, foliis Chamspi-
Hermanni. Forte Chamapitys Austriaca, Clus. Pan. & Hist2). Chamapitys carulea Austriaca, C. B. P. Pluri-
mos quotannis è radice fibrosa caules
emittit quadratos, geniculis uncialibus interceptos, dodrantem longos.
Istis utrinque sibi opposita nascuntur folia, Hyssopi vulgaris aut Rorismarini similia, superne viridia,
mos ramulos verticillatim ambiunt
rigidiusculi calyculi, è quibus
exeunt flores, Prunella amplioris
elegantissimi purpurocæerulei coloris. His
dehiscentibus semina in sundo
calycis, quaterna, oblonga, angulosa,
subnigricantia succedunt. V. icon. tab. an. 5.
Plantam titulo Chamapityos
Austriaca non semel recepimus, & per varios annos in Horto aluimus ;
sed nunquam
divisa observare licuit, qualia descriptio & sculptura Clusii referre
videntur. An eadem sit planta necne in
reliquerim.” とあり,小さいながら特徴をよく捉えた木版の図 (Sect. 11 Tab. 5) が載せられている.
* Prunella:シソ科ウツボグサ属,Brunella:Prunellaのシノニム
2) クルシウス (Caroli Clusii, 1526-1609) によるオーストリアとハンガリーの高山植物についての最初の著書 “Atrebatis Rariorum aliquot
stirpium: per Pannoniam, Austriam, & vicinas quasdam provincias
observatarum historia, quatuor libris expressa ... .『パンノニア,オーストリア,その近隣の稀産植物誌』” (1583)
その p632 には,”DF CHAMÆPITY AUSTRIACA. CAP. LVII” の章に, “Elegantissimum est hoc Ajuga genus,
- - -“ の記事と美しい木版図が載せられている(下図,左).
![]() |
Left: from Clusius, Right: from Gerard |
一方,英国のジョン・ジェラード (John Gerard, 1545-1612) の著名な “The herbal, or, General Historie of plantes
1597 年版の p421 “Of herbe Iue, or ground Pine.
Chap.142.” にはないが,トマス・ジョンソン(Thomas Johnson, 1599 or 1600 - 1644))による増補改訂版
“The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by John
Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie very much enlarged and amended by
Thomas Johnson citizen and apothecarye of London” (1636) の pp. 526,“CHAP. 150. Of Herbe-Ivy, or
Ground-Pine.” の章には,”6. Chamæpitys Austriaca of Clusius” が追加され,クルシウスの
”Pan. & Hist” と同一の図(左図,右)と共に,以下のような記述が追加された.
pp. 526
CHAP. 150. Of Herbe-Ivy, or Ground-Pine.
¶ The Description.
6 There groweth in
Austria a kinde of Chamaepitys, which is a most brave and rare plant, and of
great beautie, yet not once remembred either of the ancient or new Writers,
untill of late that famous Carolus Clusius had set it forth in his Pannonicke
Observations; who for his singular skil and industrie hath woon the garland
from all that have written before his time. This rare and strange plant I have
in my garden, growing with many square stalkes of halfe a foot high, beset even
from the bottome to the top with leaves so like our common Rosemary, that it is
hard for him which doth not know it exactly to finde the difference; being
greene above, and somewhat hairy and hoary underneath: among which come forth
round about the stalkes (after the manner of roundles or coronets) certain
small cups or chalices of a reddish colour; out of which come the floures like
unto Archangell in shape, but of a most excellent and stately mixed colour, the
outside purple declining to blueness and sometimes of a violet colour. The
floure gapeth like the mouth of a beast, and hath as it were a white tongue;
the lower and upper jawes are white likewise, spotted with many bloudy spots:
which being past, the seeds appeare very long, of a shining blacke colour, set
in order in the small huskes as the Chamæpitys spuria. The root is blacke and
hard, with manie hairy strings fastned thereto.
¶ The Time.
They floure in June, and often in August.
¶ The Names.
This is Chamæpitys Austriaca
of Clusius; and Chamæpitys cærulea of Camerarius.
¶ The Vertues.
The leaves of Chamæpytis tunned up in Ale, or infused in wine or sodden with
hony, and drunke by the space of eight or ten daies, cureth the jaudise, the
Sciatica, the stoppings of the liver, the difficultie of making water, the
stoppings of the spleene, and causeth women to have their natural sicknesse.
Chamæpytis stamped greene with hony cureth wounds, malignant and rebellious
ulcers, and dissolveth the hardnesse of womens brests or paps, and profitably
helpeth against poison, or biting of any venomous beast.
The decoction drunke, dissolveth congealed
bloud, and drunke with vineger, driveth forth the dead childe.
It clenseth the intrals: it helpeth the
infirmities of the liver and kidneies; it cureth the yellow jaundise being
drunke in wine: it bringeth downe the desired sicknesse, and provoketh urine:
being boiled in Mead or honied water and drunke, it helpeth the Scatica in
fortie daies. The people of Heraclea in Pontus do use it against Wolfes bane in
stead of a counterpoyson.
The pouder hereof taken in pils with a fig,
mollifieth the belly: it wasteth away the hardnesse of the paps: it healeth
wounds, it cureth putrified ulcers being applied with hony: and these things
the first ground Pine doth performe, so doth the other two: but not so
effectually, as witnesseth Dioscorides.
Clusius of whom mention was made, hath not said any thing of the Vertues of
Chamæpitys Austriaca: but verily I
thinke it better by many degrees for the purposes aforesaid: my conjecture I
take from the taste, smell, and comely proportion of this Herbe, which is more
pleasing and familiar unto the nature of man, than those which wee have
plentifully in our owne Country growing.
とあり,「オーストリアには,非常に美しく,最も目立ちなお希少な “Chamaepitys”
の一種が生えていて,これは有名なクルシウスの『パンノニア,オーストリア,その近隣の稀産植物誌』以外,これまで誰も言及していないが,自分の庭では栽培している.」とのべ,「草状」を記し,花については「形はオドリコソウ(Archangell)のそれに似ている.が,色は全く違う配色で,外側は青,時々は菫色になっていく紫色である.花は野獣のように大きく口を開け白い舌を持っている.上唇辧も下唇辧も白いが,血の色の斑点がある.花後,” Chamæpitys spuria” のそれに似た莢のなかに,きちんと並んだ輝く黒色の長い種を結ぶ.」とした.更に根は「黒くて硬く,髪の毛状の細根が絡み合っている」とある.
また利用法(薬効)については,「クルシウスは何も言っていないが,他の “Chamaepitys” と同様の味や香りがするので,(ディオスコリデスやプリニウスが述べたのと)同じ効果が期待できる」としている(次記事).
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