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1979-12 ケンブリッジ,トリニティー・カレジの裏門 |
ミレイ(Sir John Everett Millais) (1829 - 96) “The Mistletoe Gatherer” (1894)
ラファエロ前派の旗手として既存の画壇に反旗を翻したが,"オフィーリア (1851-2)" が高い評価を受けたとたん翻意してアカデミーの準会員となり1863年には正会員に指名され,1885年には芸術家として初めて准男爵の爵位を授けられ,死去の年 1896年にはアカデミーの院長まで登りつめた.
★トマス・ハーディー Thomas Hardy(1840 - 1928): Tess of the d'Urbervilles『ダーバヴィル家のテス』(1891)
Phase the Fifth: The Woman Pays, CHAPTER XXXV
They had rambled round by a road which led to the well-known ruins of the Cistercian abbey behind the mill, the latter having, in centuries past, been attached to the monastic establishment. The mill still worked on, food being a perennial necessity; the abbey had perished, creeds being transient. One continually sees the ministration of the temporary outlasting the ministration of the eternal. Their walk having been circuitous they were still not far from the house, and in obeying his direction she only had to reach the large stone bridge across the main river, and follow the road for a few yards. When she got back everything remained as she had left it, the fire being still burning. She did not stay downstairs for more than a minute, but proceeded to her chamber, whither the luggage had been taken. Here she sat down on the edge of the bed, looking blankly around, and presently began to undress. In removing the light towards the bedstead its rays fell upon the tester of white dimity; something was hanging beneath it, and she lifted the candle to see what it was. A bough of mistletoe. Angel had put it there; she knew that in an instant. This was the explanation of that mysterious parcel which it had been so difficult to pack and bring; whose contents he would not explain to her, saying that time would soon show her the purpose thereof. In his zest and his gaiety he had hung it there. How foolish and inopportune that mistletoe looked now.
(二人は、水車場のうしろの、有名なシトー派の僧院の廃墟にゆく道をぶらぶらしていたのだった。その水車場は、過去何世紀ものあいだ、その僧院に付属していた。食物というものは永久に必要なものなので、水車はまだ回っていたが、信条というものは移り変わるものであるから、僧院はすでに滅びていた。われわれの始終見るところであるが、一時的な問題に役立つものが、永遠な問題に役立つものを凌いで永続するのだ。二人はぐるぐるまわって歩いていたから、まだ家からあまり遠くへは行っておらず、彼の命令に従って帰るテスは、ただ大河にかかっている大きな石橋を渡って、数ヤードのあいだ、道に沿ってゆけばよかった。帰ってみると、すべてが出て行ったときのままで、暖炉の火もまだ燃えていた。彼女は、一分間とは階下に留まらないで、荷物の運びこまれている自分の部屋へ行った。ここで、ベッドの瑞に腰をおろし、ぼんやりと周囲を見まわしていたが、やがて服を脱ぎはじめた。寝台のほうへ灯りを移すと、光線が白い綾織綿布の天蓋を照らし、なにかその下にたれさがっているので、なんだろうと思って、彼女はろうそくを持ちあげた。寄生木の一枝であった。エンジェルが、そこに吊るしておいたのだということは、すぐわかった。荷造りして持ってくるのに、あれほど骨の折れた、あの神秘的な小包が、これでわかった。時がたてば間もなくその目的がわかるのだと言って、彼はその中味を彼女に説明しなかったのだ。さもおもしろそうに、浮きうきして、彼はそれをそこに吊るしておいたのだった。その寄生木が、いまではなんとばかげて、場ちがいなものに見えたことか!)『テス(下)』井上宗次・石田英二訳 岩波書店(1960)より
★ハーディー Thomas Hardy(1840 - 1928):Far From the Madding Crowd,『遥か群衆を離れて』((1874))
LII.Converging Courses
Christmas-Eve came, and a party that Boldwood was to give in the evening was the great subject of talk in Weatherbury. It was not that the rarity of Christmas parties in the parish made this one a wonder, but that Boldwood should be the giver. The announcement had had an abnormal and incongruous sound, as if one should hear of croquet-playing in a cathedral aisle, or that some much-respected judge was going upon the stage. That the party was intended to be a truly jovial one there was no room for doubt. A large bough of mistletoe had been brought from the woods that day, and suspended in the hall of the bachelor's home. Holly and ivy had followed in armfuls. From six that morning till past noon the huge wood fire in the kitchen roared and sparkled at its highest, the kettle, the saucepan, and the three- legged pot appearing in the midst of the flames like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; moreover, roasting and basting operations were continually carried on in front of the genial blaze.
(五十二章 縁(えにし)、引合いて集まる
『狂おしき群をはなれて』 瀧山季乃・橘智子訳,1977(東京 千城))
★ワシントン・アーヴィング Washington Irving(1783 - 1859),米国の小説家アーヴィングは1815年にヨーロッパへの旅に出た。1819年~1820年刊行した、彼の最も有名な作品『スリーピー・ホローの伝説』と『リップ・ヴァン・ウィンクル』を含む文集『スケッチ・ブック』の中には,英国のクリスマスに関わる二つの作品が残されていて,当時の英国のクリスマス風景をしのぶよすがになる.
The Sketch-Book,‘Christmas Day.
On reaching the church-porch, we found the parson rebuking the gray-headed sexton for having used mistletoe among the greens with which the church was decorated. It was, he observed, an unholy plant, profaned by having been used by the Druids in their mystic ceremonies ; and though it might be innocently employed in the festive ornamenting of halls and kitchens, yet it had been deemed by the Fathers of the Church as unhallowed, and totally unfit for sacred purposes.
(教会のポーチに近づいたとき,我々は一人の男が,教会を飾る緑の葉の中にヤドリギを使っている事で,白髪頭の寺男を非難している場面にぶつかった. 彼が言うには,これはドルイド僧がいかがわしい秘儀に用いたために汚れている罪深い植物だ。戸口や台所でこれをお祭り気分で飾るのは罪のないことかもしれないが,教会の教父は,こんな植物は不浄であり,神聖な目的にはもってのほかだとみなしている.)
The Sketch-Book,‘Christmas Eve’
Here were kept up the old games of hoodman blind, shoe the wild mare, hot cockles, steal the white loaf, bob apple, and snapdragon : the Yule log and Christmas candle were regularly burnt, and the mistletoe, with its white berries, hung up, to the imminent peril of all the pretty housemaids.*
(ここでは,目隠し遊び (hoodman blind),shoe the wild mare,hot cockles, steal the white loaf,水を張った容器に浮かべたリンゴを口でくわえて取るリンゴくわえ (bob apple) やブランディが燃えている皿から干しブドウを取り出す「スナップ・ドラゴン (snapdragon)」という古くからのゲームが続けられていた.大きな薪やクリスマス蝋燭も燃え続け,可愛い女中たちみんなにとっては迫り来る危機の,白い実のついたヤドリギがぶら下げられていた.)
THE mistletoe is still hung up in farm-houses and kitchens at Christmas ; and the young men have the privilege of kissing the girls under it, plucking each time a berry from the bush. When the berries are all plucked, the privilege ceases.
(注 クリスマスには今でもヤドリギを農家や台所につり下げ,若い男はその下で少女にキスしてよいことになっている。その度にその枝から実をひと粒取って,実がすっかりなくなれば,その特権も消滅する。)
★ELIZA COOK 英国の閨秀詩人1818-1889
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by William Etty, c.1845 |
UNDER the Mistletoe, pearly and green,
Meet the kind lips of the young and the old ;
Under the Mistletoe hearts may be seen
Glowing as though they had never been cold.
Under the Mistletoe, peace and good-will
Mingle the spirits that long have been twain;
Leaves of the olive-branch twine with it still,
While breathings of Hope fill the loud carol strain.
Yet why should this holy and festival mirth
In the reign of Old Christmas-tide only be found ?
Hang up Love's Mistletoe over the earth,
And let us kiss under it all the year round !
Hang up the Mistletoe over the land
Where the poor dark man is spurned by the white ;
Hang it wherever Oppression's strong hand
Wrings from the Helpless, Humanity's right.
Hang it" on high where the starving lip sobs,
And the patrician one turneth in scorn ;
Let it be met where the purple steel robs
Child of its father and field of its corn;
Hail it with joy in our yule-lighted mirth,
But let it not fade with the festival sound ;
Hang up Love's Mistletoe over the earth,
And let us kiss under it all the year round !
★D. H. ローレンス (David Herbert Richards Lawrence、1885 - 1930)
『チャタレイ夫人の恋人』(Lady Chatterley's Lover ,1928, 1960)
Chapter 15
There fell a complete silence. Connie was half listening, and threading in the hair at the root of his belly a few forget-me-nots that she had gathered on the way to the hut. Outside, the world had gone still, and a little icy.
'You've got four kinds of hair,' she said to him. 'On your chest it's nearly black, and your hair isn't dark on your head: but your moustache is hard and dark red, and your hair here, your love-hair, is like a little brush of bright red-gold mistletoe. It's the loveliest of all!'
He looked down and saw the milky bits of forget-me-nots in the hair on his groin.
'Ay! That's where to put forget-me-nots, in the man-hair, or the maiden-hair. But don't you care about the future?'
She looked up at him.
'Oh, I do, terribly!' she said.
「いいえ、気になりますわ、すごく」と彼女は言った。)『新訳 チャタレー夫人の恋人』永峰勝男訳,彩流社(1999)より
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