
センニチコウ-1/6 秘伝花鏡,植物名實圖考,中国異名,松平大和守日記,花壇綱目,花譜,大和本草,諸品図,草花絵前集,地錦抄附録,和漢三才図会

Gomphrena globosa
 日本には中国から天和から次の貞享のころ(1681-88年)に渡来したと,四世伊藤伊兵衛『地錦抄附録』(1733),岩崎灌園『草木育種』(初版1818) にはある.熱帯アメリカ原産の本種は,欧州から直接あるいは,インド経由で中国にわたったと思われる.

 平賀源内校正 秘伝花鏡(NDL)
★陳扶揺(ちんこうし,1612-没年不明)『秘伝花鏡』(原本 1688, 平賀源内 校正本『重刻秘伝花鏡』1773年,右図)

★呉其濬 (1789-1847)『植物名實圖考』清末 (1848)
「花鏡 千日紅本高二三尺莖淡紫色枝葉婆夏開深紫色花千瓣細碎圓整如生於枝杪至冬葉雖萎而花不薦婦女採簪於鬢最能耐久用淡礬水浸過晒乾藏於盒(内)來年猶然鮮麗子生瓣最細而黑春間下種即生喜肥」


日本においては,松平直矩の『松平大和守日記』(1642-95)の寛文4年(1664年)七月二十一日の記事に「五時花(ゴジカ)・千日花(センニチコウ)箱ニ植ル。」と記され(確認中),また同時期の日本最初の園芸書,水野元勝著『花壇綱目-初稿』(1664年)には紅黄草(フレンチマリーゴールド)三葉丁子(アフリカンマリーゴールド)日向葵(ヒマワリ)等と共に記載されていて(磯野直秀「日本博物学史覚書 XIV」慶応義塾大学日吉紀要・自然科学 No. 44 (2008),これらがセンニチコウを記載した現存最古の文献と思われる.

★水野元勝『花壇綱目 巻中 雑草の部』(刊本,延宝九年版 (1681)

★貝原益軒『花譜 中巻 十一月』(1694)では「千日紅 三月に種をまくべし、十一月に花ひらく、むらさき色にして花おほし、愛すべし。馬糞或魚のあらひ汁を、ときどきそゝぐへし。」とあり、「三波丁子* 此種及千日紅、近年異国よりれるにや、むかしはきたらず。(中略)千日紅、三波丁子など、むかしなくて、ちかごろ出たるものなれど、其中にては、賞すべければ、いさゝかこゝにしるす。(後略)」(*アフリカンマリーゴールド)

★貝原益軒『大和本草巻之七 草之三  花草類』 (1709) では、陳扶揺『秘伝花鏡』の記述を引用した後,「○今案千日紅近年中華ヨリ來ル 其花千葉ニテアツク形楊梅*ニ似タリコキ紫色ニテウルハシ 冬ニ至テシホマス好花ナリ 魚汁馬糞ヲ肥トスヘシ 或曰寒ヲ畏ル 早ク霜雪ヲフセクベシ 子甚細微」としている.*ヤマモモの実
『同巻十九 諸品図上 草類』では,「千日紅 九月花開ク花紫色其形小薊花ニ似テ小ナリ 花美(ウル)ハシ 冬ニ至リテシボマズ 久シク堪フ 近年異邦ヨリ渡ル 可為好品(好品ト為スベシ)」(左図,NDL)

花形さながら覆盆子(いちご)のごとく、色はこいむらさき、七八月にさく、此花九十月の時分枝ともにかり、かげほしにして、冬立花の下草につかふ。色かわらずして重宝なる物。」(右図,右 NDL)

★四世伊藤伊兵衛『地錦抄附録 巻之三』(1733)
美人蕉(ビジンセウ)          千日紅(センジツコウ)
岩石蘭(ガンセキラン)        るかう
柊南天(ヒイラギナンテン)      ゐんげんさう 今云かうわう草*
曼陀羅花(マンダラゲ) 今云朝鮮朝がほ」
(右図,左 NDL)                  *かうわう草 紅黄草 フレンチマリーゴールド

★寺島良安『和漢三才図会 巻第九十四の末 湿草類』(1713頃)
千日紅 (せんにちこう),

△思うに、千日紅は高さ二、三尺。茎は秋海棠に似ていて淡紫色。葉は鶏頭草に似て大きく、表面に毛茸(うぶげ)がある。八、九月に花を開くが深紫色。千葉(やえ)で円く、形は揚梅(やまもも)に似ている。その盛りは百日ほども続く。樹に百日紅という名のものがあるが、これに勝っているので千日紅という。実は成らず、ただ花を収集し、二月に揉み砕き、これを蒔き種えて育てる。あるいは枝を挿しても生育する。大体、菊花のような実のないものについては、近年になって花を蒔けばよいことが知られるようになった。(現代語訳 島田・竹島・樋口『和漢三才図会』平凡社-東洋文庫)

センニチコウ-2 絵本野山草,草木育種,梅園草木花譜,草木図説,方言・地方名


ヒャクニチソウ-9 The garden. An illustrated weekly journal,Favourite flowers of garden and greenhouse,メアリー・カサット “Youth and age”

Zinnia elegans (violence)


6-1                                                                                                     6-2
6-1, Zinnia hort., “The garden. An illustrated weekly journal of horticulture in all its branches”, vol. 30: Tab 562 (1886) Sept. 18, 1886. Garden Flora. PLATE 562. FRENCH POMPON ZINNIAS.*

By the introduction of this new race of Zinnias another beautiful addition has been made to the list of those half-hardy annuals which render our open-air gardens so brilliant during late summer and autumn. The development of this race has been the work of many years, for it has always been the aim of florists, especially those on the Continent, to produce a strain of Zinnias which would combine a refined and fully double flower with a dwarf and neat habit of growth. The present race, which has been aptly called dwarf Pompon-flowered combines these characteristics admirably, in addition to a wonderful range of colours which are more varied even than are to be found among Dahlias. The value of such a beautiful dwarf strain of Zinnias as this is cannot be over-estimated, for it is capable of producing a more brilliant effect than any other class of plants.
* Drawn from flowers sent by MM. Vilmorin, Paris, August 30, 1855.
Zinnias have not yet become so widely grown as they deserve to be; indeed, it is probable that many who garden have not seen a fine double strain, and therefore are ignorant of the handsome forms, rich colours, and the various other admirable qualities which Zinnias possess. Still, it cannot be long ere we shall see them as common as are more popular tender annuals. In the production of masses in big beds, for instance, it would be difficult to excel in beauty the strong growing forms of Zinnia elegans if planted in good soil and given ample room for growth.

Step, E., Bois, D., Favourite flowers of garden and greenhouse, vol. 2: t. 138 (1896-1897)
Natural Order COMPOSITE. Genus Zinnia
History  Zinnias have been known in British gardens since the year 1753, when Z. pauciflora was introduced, followed seventeen years later by the similar Z. multiflora. Z. elegans, the most important species, and the only one generally grown, was introduced a hundred years ago. Cultivation has turned its single series of ray-florete into many, so that the disk-florets are few. There are a number of garden varieties, as well as some hybrid forms, of which Z. elegans is one of the parents. They are esteemed on account of the variety of tints of their flowers and the long period during which they are in bloom, the ray-florets retaining their form and colour until the seeds have ripened.

Principal Species: ZINNIA ELEGANS (elegant). Stem erect, hairy, 2 feet high. Leaves long-oval, stalkless, stem-clasping. In a natural condition the flower-heads are some shade of scarlet, but the cultivated forms, of which a few are shown in Plate 138, vary from white, through yellow and buff to scarlet, crimson, rose and purple, about 2 inches across ; June to September.

Description of Plate 138: Cultivated varieties-Z. elegans , Fig. 1, the fruits; 2, a seedling. The flower-heads here depicted give a fair idea of the colour variation.

National Gallery of Art

米国の国民的な女性画家,メアリー・カサット (1844-1928) “Woman with a Red Zinnia” (1891) (National Gallery of Art,右図) は一輪の真紅の八重のヒャクニチソウを持って思いに沈む中年女性を描いている.ヒャクニチソウの英俗名 Youth and age(若さと老い)を想起すると,この女性は過ぎ去った若くて溌剌とした日々を思い,これから来る老いに思いを馳せているのかもしれない.

なお,この Youth and ageと言う名について,A. M. コーツはその著作 “Flowers and their Histories” では,”It is sometimes called Youth and Age; a name for which I can find no explanation” 「ジニアは若さと老い (Youth and Age)と呼ばれることがあるが、その名前の由来は不明である。(和訳『花の西洋史 草花篇』白幡洋三郎ら訳)と言っているが,これは長期間一株に次々と花が咲き,同じ株に若い蕾と種をつけた花とが共存するためではなかろうか(左図).

ヒャクニチソウ-8 八重種,ポンポン咲き 英・白 画譜,バー&サグデン商会,ビートン夫人


ヒャクニチソウ-8 八重種,ポンポン咲き 英・白 画譜,バー&サグデン商会,ビートン夫人

Zinnia elegans (violence)
2014年 7月
 1856 年にフランスの種苗商グラゾー (Grazau) によって作出された八重のヒヤクニチソウが改良されたポンポン咲きの品種は,その規則正しい花辧の配列と,花の厚さ・大きさに注目されて,まるで,アスターやダリアのようだとして高い評価を得た.

英国で八重種をイタリアから輸入・育種・販売していたバー&サグデン商会 (Messrs. Barr & Sugden) 1963 年版の春のカタログ (4-1) の “Splendid Variety of New Double Zinnia” の説明文に,「(当社のイタリア)サルディニア駐在員が、昨年の秋に何種かの八重のヒヤクニチソウを写真に撮ったものを送ってきた。その中には,直徑が 3.75 インチ弱で、花の一周が 11 インチあった。別のものには 585 枚の花びらが付いていた。これは商会のために採種した花の良い例である.」とあり,モノクロで画像を掲載した
この八重品種の花とみられる画像は,J. Andrews, Floral Magazine vol 2: (1862) (4-2) に掲げられた.さらに,ほぼ同じ画像がベルギーで発行されたLa Belgique horticole, vol. 11 (1861) にも掲載され (4-3) ,しかも(Google 翻訳で見る限り)フランス語の説明文までほぼ同一である.英国に於いては高品質の八重種の種を扱う種苗店としては,ロンドンの Messrs. Carter & Co. of Holborn ,イプスイッチの Mr. W. Thompsonが有名だった.

4-1, ZINNIA ELEGANS FLORE PLENO, Barr & Sugden's spring seed catalogue and guide to the flower and kitchen garden(1863), Illustrated guide to the flower garden p 8-9
4-2, Zinnia elegans Jacq. var. flore pleno, J. Andrews, Floral Magazine vol 2: plate 92 (1862)
4-3, Zinnia elegans Jacq. var. flore pleno, La Belgique horticole, journal des jardins et des vergers, vol. 11: p. 201, Fig. XII (1861)

4-1                                                4-2                                                4-3
4-1, “Barr & Sugden's spring seed catalogue and guide to the flower and kitchen garden, 1863, Illustrated guide to the flower garden”, p 8-9
A fine genus of autumn-flowering plants, combining the greatest richness and diversity of colour with unequalled duration and profusion of bloom. Amongst the novelties of recent introduction, the New Double Zinnia* stands unrivalled, with its large handsome flowers, rivalling in beauty, size and symmetry, moderate sized Dahlias. Hitherto, the culture of this fine flower has not been attended, in England, with that eminent success which it has on the continent ; this difference is entirely attributable to the superiority of climate ; at the same time -we feel convinced, if the seed was sown early in March, and good stocky plants just out in a warm situation, and in rich soil, early in June, even during an unfavourable season, the cultivator would be rewarded with flowers surpassing his expectation. That they have been grown successfully in this country was satisfactorily proved at the Autumn Flower Show of the Royal Horticultural Society, where a stand of cut flowers, equal in size and beauty to our engraving, was exhibited. Our "Sardinian Correspondent " forwarded to us, last autumn, a photographic group of Zinnia flowers (which may be seen at our establishment) ; one of these measured 3(3/4) inches in diameter and 11 inches in circumferences, another had 585petals ; and these, he informed us, were a fair sample of the flowers from which lie was saving seed for us; we therefore have great confidence in recommending the following collections.  (以下,価格略)

4-2, J. Andrews, “Floral Magazine vol 2: (1862), plate 92”
Zinnia elegans, flore pleno.

There has not been an annual introduced for many years into this country which has received such universal recognition, as an excellent and useful addition to our gardens, as the Double Zinnia; and, although we published a plate of them in our last volume (Plate 53), we make no apology for bringing before our subscribers another group from the pencil of Mr. Andrews, the opportunity of so doing having been afforded us by the kindness of the eminent London seedsmen, Messrs. Carter & Co. of Holborn.

Our reason for so doing is, that there are evidently two distinct strains of them in the country, and one, in our opinion, very much inferior to the other in every quality; in one the flower a comparatively shallow, partaking more of the shape of the old single Zinnia, without much regularity in the dis- position of the petals ; in the other it is of very great depth, exceeding, in some cases, three inches (as in some specimens which we saw in the garden of our friend and neighbour, Mr. Edward Banks, of Sholden*), the petals regularly reflexing, somewhat in the manner of some of the newly-introduced Chrysanthemum-flowered Asters, and disposed very regularly and closely, so as to give the appearance of a thoroughly double flower. It is the latter variety which we have figured; and, although at present absolute certainty cannot be obtained as to every individual seed coming true to character, yet, as some seedsmen advertise them as doing so in the ratio of 80 and 90 per cent., and as the gentleman who is styled the " Sardinian Correspondent" of Messrs. Barr & Sugden announces twenty four varieties, we have very little doubt but that in a year or two we shall be as certain of the seed as we are now of the varieties of German and French Asters.
* This seed was obtained from Mr. W. Thompson, of Ipswich.(以下育種法略)

『ビートン夫人の家政読本』で知られるビートン夫人 (Beaton, Isabella Mary, 1836-1865,左図) は『園芸のすべて』の中でも,バー&サグデン商会の情報を紹介し,花の豪華さ,色の多様性や花期の長さなどの特徴から,一重と八重のジニアは秋の花壇に最適の植物であるとしている.さらに,“Beeton's Dictionary of everyday gardening ... to which is added a monthly calendar of garden work throughout the year" (1909年版) では,以下のように述べている.

Zin'nia (nat. ord. Compos' itse).
A grand genus of autumn - flowering half-hardy annuals, combining the greatest richness and diversity of colour with un- equalled profusion and duration of bloom. The best known are Zinnia elegans with flowers of various colours, white, buff', scarlet, rose, lilac, bronze, violet, and crimson, and its varieties Z. coccinea, scarlet ; Z. flow-plena, with double flowers ; and Z. violacea, purplish-violet. The seed June ; they should be planted in the richest soil and the warmest situation possible. For flower beds, borders, and conservatory decoration, the zinnia is alike valuable.

欧州本土の植物図譜には,八重種のヒャクニチソウの美しい絵が掲げられている.また,当時は背が低く多くの花がつく草花が,花壇用として歓迎されていたので,八重の矮性種も開発されていた (5-3)
5-1                                                     5-2                                                       5-3
5-1, Zinnia elegans Jacq., La Belgique horticole, journal des jardins et des vergers, vol. 12: p. 193, t. 12 (1862)
5-2, Zinnia elegant a fleurs doubles, REVUE HORTICOLE - JOURNAL D'HORTICULTURE PRATIQUE, ANNEE 1861, p258 (1861)


ヒャクニチソウ-7 西・独・英・仏・白 植物図譜, 緋色の種・八重種の出現

Zinnia elegans (violence)
メキシコからスペインに送られ,マドリードの王立植物園で栽培された Zinnia elegans は欧州各地にその種が贈られ,その装飾性と堅牢性が歓迎されて,多くの改良品種が作出され,多数の植物図譜に描かれた.

1-1                           1-2                          1-3
1-1, Zinnia violacea Cav., Antonio José Cavanilles y Palop, Icones et descriptiones plantarum quae aut sponte in Hispania Crescunt, aut in hortis hospitanur. Volumen I, p57” (1791)
1-2, Zinnia elegans Jacq., Jacquin, N.J. von, Icones plantarum rariorum, vol. 3: t. 589 (1786-1793)
1-3, Zinnia violacea Cav., The botanist’s repository [H.C. Andrews], vol. 1: t. 55 (1797-1798) [H.C. Andrews]

英国には1796年に,マドリッドのオルテガ教授から,植物の愛好家で,キュー植物園の理事も務めたブート侯爵(John Stuart, 1744-1814, Marquess of Bute)の最初の夫人(Charlotte Jane Windsor, 1746-1800, 左図)に送られてきた.スペインにきていたダリアがイギリスに届いたのとちょうど同じ経路を通ってやってきたらしい.おそらくダリアと同じ荷物の中に入っていたのであろう.なぜなら,それから約 2 年後,侯爵夫人がダリアの見本を初めてキュー植物園に送ったという記事があるからである.

1-1, 1-2 は前記事参照(http://hanamoriyashiki.blogspot.jp/2014/09/6.html

1-3, Botanist’s Repository Vol.1 (1797), PLATE LV.
This elegant new species of Zinnia, is described and figured by J. A. Cavanilles, in his first volume of Spanish plants; where he says, it is a native of Mexico, South America, and was transmitted from thence to the royal gardens, where it perfected its seeds. In the year of 1796, the Marchioness of Bute received it amongst many other curious feeds, from Madrid, through the medium of Professor Ortega.

フランスに入って来たのは,Herbier General de l'Amateur, I “ p15, (1816) に," Il y a environ douze ans que nous possédons cette belle plante qui nous a été transmise du Jardin botanique de Madrid.(この美しい植物がマドリードの植物園から我々に送られてきて約12年たつ)"  とあるので,1803年ころにということになる (2-2)

2-1                          2-2                           2-3   
2-1, Zinnia elegans Jacq., Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, vol. 15: t. 527 (1801)
2-2, Zinnia elegans, M. P. Bessa, Herbier General de l'Amateur I (1816)
2-3, Zinnia violacea Cav. var. coccinea, Edwards’s Botanical Register, vol. 15: t. 1294 (1829)

2-1, Curtis’s Botanical Magazine vol.15 (1801), TAB. 5273
JACQUIN having described this ZINNIA in his Collectanea and published a figure of it in his Icones before that of CAVANILLES, his name of ZINNIA. elegans has the right of priority, and we of course adopt it.
It is a native of Mexico, and, being a tender annual, can only be raised from seeds, which should be sown in the Spring on a hot-bed, and by the latter-end of May should be set abroad in large pots, or may be planted out in the open border, where from its size and the beauty of its flowers, it will continue to make a conspicuous figure till destroyed by the frost.

エレガンス種は変異を生みやすい種であり,紫色ばかりではなく,大陸では1829年に赤が,1832年に白が開花するなど,各種の色の花を咲かせる品種が現れた.パクストン卿を育てた第六代デヴォンシャー公爵(William Cavendish, 6th Duke of Devonshire, 1790-1858)によってイタリアのパレルモから英国に導入された緋色の品種は,大きな興奮を呼び起こしたと見えて,Zinnia elegans (violence) var. coccinea (緋色の)という変種名が付けられた.緋色の花を咲かせる品種は,同時期に原産地のメキシコから,ミル師(John Stuart Mill, 1806-1873)によって導入された.

ユニヴァーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドンの植物学の教授も勤めた高名な植物学者ジョン・リンドリー(John Lindley, 1799-1865)はこの緋色の種を,” Such is the brilliancy of the scarlet, that no mixture of the most vivid colours will match it by many degrees”と,これまでの種々の色のヒャクニチソウが肩を並べられない輝かしい緋色だと,” Botanical Register” で高く評価した(2-3)

2-3, Edwards’s Botanical Register, vol. 15: t. 1294 (1829)
ZINNIA* violacea ; var. coccinea.
Scarlet Zinnia.
This splendid plant came up among some Mexican seeds presented to the Horticultural Society by J. S. Mill, Esq.
Its appearance was so entirely that of Zinnia violacea, that till it flowered its beauty was not suspected ; and this unfortunately took place at so late a period of the recent rainy, sunless season, that we fear no good seeds of it were saved.
Our drawing was made in September, and may be the means of recovering the variety, which would no doubt be accomplished if persons in this country were to send the figure to their correspondents in Mexico. Such is the brilliancy of the scarlet, that no mixture of the most vivid colours will match it by many degrees.
Although as an annual, Z. violaceais usually propagated by seeds, yet it strikes freely by cuttings taken off when the stems have just become woody; a fact which is worth knowing, in case the variety should be recovered.
J. L.
* Named in honour of John Gottfried Zinn, a professor of Botany at Gottingen; born in 1727, died in 1759. He is chiefly remarkable for having made some experiments to ascertain the cause of the irritability of plants. He asserted that the leaves of Desmanthus virgatus would move exactly the same in a damp, cold, dark cellar, as beneath the influence of the sun ; whence he concluded it to be a vital phenomenon.

さらに,ロンドン大博覧会 (1851) で水晶宮を設計したことで知られる園芸家パクストン卿(Sir Joseph Paxton, 1803-1865))も,その著書の中でこの緋色の種を「これまでの(ヒャクニチソウの)変種の中では一番のものだ」と評価した(Paxton’s Magazine of Botany, Vol.1 (1834), 3-1
3-1                                                       3-2                                                       3-3
3-1, Zinnia violacea Cav., Paxton’s Magazine of botany and register of flowering plants, vol. 1: p. 223 (1834)
3-2, Zinnia elegans Jacq. var. flore pleno, Houtte, L. van, Flore des serres et des jardin de l’Europe, vol. 13: t. 1394 (1845)
3-3, Double Zinnia elegans, J. Andrews, Floral Magazine vol 1: plate 33(435?) (1861)

3-1, Paxton’s Magazine of Botany and Register of Flowering Plants, 1 (1834): p223
Seeds of this beautiful variety of Zinna [sic=ママ] were brought, amongst many other things, from Palermo, by His Grace the Duke of Devonshire. It far surpasses any other species of variety at present known.

All the plants of this genus are annuals, and are cultivated with the greatest ease, when treated as half hardy. The seeds require to be sown on a hot-bed in March, as recommended for other half hardy annuals, and by the end of May, or when the spring frosts are over, may be transplanted into the open borders, or placed in pots, at the option of the cultivator. The soil is a light rich loam.


3-3, J. Andrews, Floral Magazine vol 1: plate 33(435?) (1861)
Double Zinnia elegans
We have given a representation of the three fine varieties of Double Zinnias which form the subjects of this plate, because the flowers have been greatly improved of late, having increased both in size and symmetry, and in the brilliancy of colour which pervades the flowers. The Double Zinnia is approaching the Dahlia in size, while it exhibits hues of colour not found in the latter.

The varieties represented were grown from Continental-saved seed, and the plants received ordinary treatment, and were grown in good soil. The upper flower is of a pleasing mauve-magenta colour, the side flowers crimson and chrome-yellow. Our main object is to call attention to a very fine strain of half-hardy annuals, that are raised from seed with but little trouble, and can be grown by every one having a piece of good garden ground. The Double Zinnia is rapidly becoming a popular exhibition flower, and this fact has given an impetus to the rapid improvement witnessed.