
ムギセンノウ (10)  “Mary quite contrary” -3. チャップブック, Chapbook-2. “Everybody's songster”, Bishop “Nursery rhymes”

Agrostemma githago

  チャップブックChapbook)は,主に17世紀から19世紀にかけてイギリスで発行されたポケットサイズの本.低価格で,内容は大衆向けの文学や実用的なものなど様々であり,19世紀の書物収集家によって名付けられた.16 - 24ページ程度で,その中には,子供向けの歌謡(ナーサリーライム)を収めたものも多く,児童文学の一翼を担った(前記事参照)が,19世紀末には,中産階級の増大と共に,木口印刷の発展と共に,精密で多色刷りの挿絵のついた本も刊行されるようになり,ペニーブックと称する 6 – 12 ペンス(500-1,000円)の,高価な子供向けの絵本が多く発行され(次記事),チャップブックは衰退した.(以下のチャップブックの画像は,McGill Library's Chapbook Collection の公開デジタル画像による)

William S. ForteyEverybody's songster”, Catnach Press1859 は,流行歌の歌詞を集めたチャップブック(冒頭図①-1)で,その中には,当時ミュージック・ホールで絶大な人気を誇っていた George Leybourne (1842 - 1884) が歌っていた,コミカルな “Oh! Mary quite Contrary” という歌の歌詞が載っている.メリーという名の女性の愛を失った男の嘆きの歌で,巧みにいくつかのナーサリーライムを取り入れている.聴衆の子供の頃の歌が出てくるので,大いに盛り上がったと思われる(冒頭図①-2).

Oh! Mary quite Contrary.

Sung by George Leybourne.

I’m in a quandary, because I’ve lost my Mary,

I’m sure I shall go crazy, I’ve nearly lost my mind;
I’ve wandered over mountains, silver streams and fountains,
I’ve looked down wells and chimney-pots, but no Mary can I find.
  Oh, Mary; Oh, Mary; why did you behave contrary?
  Oh, Mary; Oh, Mary; why did you treat your love so?

Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?
Silver bells, and cockle-shells, and cowslips all of a row
Goosey, goosey gander, where shall I wander,
If she’s in my lady’s chamber, I’m sure I do not knew,
                        Oh, Mary, &c

Little boy blue, blow your horn, sheep in the meadow eating the corn,
Have you seen Mary pass this way, tell me, since the break of day ?
If you have, I pray you tell, because you know, I love her well;
You rascal, you have been to sleep, instead of tending to the sheep.
                        Oh, Mary, &c

Little Miss Muffet, she sat on a tufffet, eating of curds and whey,
In her father’s garden, upon a sunny day,
Oh, perhaps a spider, my love, sat down beside her,
And like he did Miss Muffet, has frightened my Mary away.
                        Oh, Mary, &c

Little Bo-peep she lost her sheep, and didn’t know where to find them,
But when she awoke she found it a joke,
For they came with their tails behind them.
I wonder if I, like little Bo-peep, was to go right off to sleep,

If my Mary, like the sheep would come back with her tail behind her
                        Oh, Mary, &c

この唄に入っているナーサリーライムは, Mary quite contrary” の他, “Goosey, goosey gander”, “Little boy blue”, “Little Miss Muffet”, “Little Bo-peepの計五つで,いずれも人口に膾炙していた唄である.ここでの “Mary quite Contrary” の最終行は cowslips all of a rowとキバナノクリンザクラになっている.

George Leybourne "Champagne Charlie" という歌が大ヒットし,これは彼の代名詞ともなった.この曲も,また "The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze" という彼のヒット曲も,未だに YouTubeなど聞く事ができる.彼は19世紀の最もよく知られた英国のミュージック・ホールの芸人の一人として記憶されている.

この唄に取り上げられている Nursery Rhyme の詞を Eugene Field (1850-1895) “MOTHER GOOSE'S MELODIES” より抽出して記す.

Goosey, goosey, gander, / Whither shall I wander, / Up stairs, down stairs, / And in my lady's chamber. / There I met an old man / Who would not say his prayers; / I took him by his left leg / And threw him down the stairs.

Little Boy Blue, come, blow me your horn; / The sheep's in the meadow, the cow's in the corn. / Where's the little boy that looks after the sheep? / He's under the haycock, fast asleep.

Little Miss Muffet, / Sat on a tuffet, / Eating of curds and whey; / There came a great spider / That sat down beside her, / And frightened Miss Muffet away.

Little Bo-peep has lost her sheep, / And can't tell where to find them; / Leave them alone, and they'll come home, / And bring their tails behind them.
Little Bo-peep fell fast asleep, / And dreamed she heard them bleating; / But when she awoke, she found it a joke, / For they were still a-fleeting.
Then up she took her little crook, / Determined for to find them; / She found them indeed, but it made her heart bleed, / For they'd left their tails behind them!
It happened one day, as Bo-peep did stray, / Unto a meadow hard by, / There she espied their tails side by side, / All hung on a tree to dry.
She heaved a sigh, and wiped her eye, / And over the hillocks she raced; / And tried what she could, as a shepherdess should, / That each tail should be properly placed.
図はこれらの Rhyme の挿画で,左より4枚は “A book of nursery rhymes” Francis D Bedford, ill. (1897) 及び右端の1枚は “The Nursery Rhyme Book” Andrew Lang (1897) に依る.

19世紀末期に,Bishop & Co. (London, England) によって出版されたチャップブック Nursery rhymes” (1860) (冒頭図②-1)にも,
 Mistress, Mary, quite contrary,
  How does your garden grow?
 With cockle and silver bells,
  And cowslips all of a row.

の唄が収載され(冒頭図②-2),最終行で並んでいるのはキバナノクリンザクラとなっている.ページ全体が細かな連続模様で囲まれ,木口木版と思われる手法で描かれた挿絵には,花々に囲まれた長椅子に座った貴婦人が,メイドさんと話している挿絵がある.明らかにこの唄のために彫られた圖版であり,これまでのチャップブックより高級感が感じられる.更に裏表紙には,花かごを抱えた貴婦人の図(冒頭図②-3)もあり,収載されている他の唄がこの図には関連していないので,” Mary, quite contrary” の挿画と思われる.それだけ,この唄の人気が高かったのであろう.

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