シェイクスピアの戯曲には,「毒麦」を表すと思われる植物名が二つある.一つは “Cockle” で,『恋の骨折り損』『コルネリウス』に,もう一つは “Darnel” で,『リア王』『ヘンリー五世』『ヘンリー六世・第一部』に出てくる.シェイクスピアがこの二つを別の植物と認識して書き分けたのか,或は同じ植物(類)として書いたのかは不明だが,何れも主食の小麦や他の有用植物(特に麦類)の有害雑草としている.
シェイクスピアと同時代の英国の医師・詩人・著述家・翻訳者,トーマス・ニュートン(Thomas Newton, c. 1542 – 1607)著『聖書の植物(An herbal for the Bible)』 London(1587)には,”Of Cockle, Darnell, Drawke, Raye and other noisome weedes.” という一章が設けられて,聖書の中の “Cockle” や “Darnel” 等について論じられている.当時のこれらの植物に対する認識を考えるのに有益と思われるので,この章の全文を以下にしるす.
この書はフランドルの医師で著述家レウィヌス・レムニゥス(Levinus Lemnius, 1505 – 1568)がラテン語で著した “Herbarvm atqve arborvm qvae in bibliis passim obviae sunt” (Herbarum atque arborum, 1566, Antwerp) を英訳したものであるが,当然ながら当時の英国での植物認識を反映したものであろう.
これらの植物はそれぞれを同定して書かれた訳ではないので,文脈から判断して,標題は「ドクムギ(Darnel),ムギセンノウ(Corn cockle),麦畑の雑草」と判断すべきと思われる.
Zizania, & Lolio, alijsque herbis
frugibus inimicis.
46. Chapter.
Of Cockle, Darnell, Dawke, Raye and
other noisome weeds.
となっている.ラテン語の,Zizania と Lolio は古くからドクムギのギリシャ語やラテン語名で,後者はリンネがつけた学名,Lolium temulentum の由来となっている.
英訳本の本文冒頭で CockleとDarnell はvivious, noisome で無益なイネ科植物で有用な小麦に対して
emcombring, hindring であるとしているので,これだけ見ると Cockle
“Gitahgo” や “Nigel, Corn
Nigella” などのムギセンノウの古い名前も見えて,必ずしもイネ科や単子葉植物ばかりではではない事が伺える.
なお,”Drawk” とは,現代の辞書に依れば,Noun : (archaic) Ryegrass,
darnel, cockle, tare, or wild oats. (archaic) Grass growing as a weed among
corn. とその指す植物の範囲は広い.
46. Chapter.
Of Cockle Darnell, Drawke, Raye and
other noisome weedes.
UNDER the name of
Cockle and Darnell is comprehended all vicious, noisom and unprofitable graine,
encombring and hindring good Corne; which, being hereby choaked and despoiled
of conuenient moisture, either prospereth not as it
should, or else is utterly killed and commeth to no proofe at all.
Darnell therefore, Cockle, and Drawke,
being noifome enimies unto good corne, specially unto wheate, are reckoned
among the cheefe weedes, and baggage that requireth to be plucked vp. It
groweth among other corne, and hath a narrowe small leafe, and many small eares
growing vppon the sides at the top of the strawe ; in the which small eares the
seede is contained; the foure somewhat enclining to a darke purple, like wall
barley, or red Ray called ‘Phenix,
wherof Dioscorides speaketh. With
this may be ioyned another kinde of weede called Githago,
Nigelweede or fielde Nigella, having long narrow leaves like unto a
Leeke; a long slender hairy stalke or stem, a browne purple flowre inclining
towards red, and his seede (being blacke, rounde, and unpleasant in taste)
enclosed within certaine rounde bolleins or cuppes, like Poppie, and the meale thereof white. Theophrastus saith, that Darnell and Cockle commeth of the seedes
of wheate and barley, being corrupted, drow ned and accloied with overmuch wet
and raine.
The seede thereof being grounde with
other corne, and baked into breade, causeth headach, and dimnes of fight, by
reason of the vaporous humours which it sendeth vp into the braine: whereupon
such persons as have dazeling eies and dim fight, are saide by a common
prouerbe, Lolio victitare, to live by Darnell.
But bicause under these names of
Darnell and Cockle are generally, understoode (not themselues onely) ‘but also
all harmefull encumbrances, lets, hurtes and annoiances, which doe any way
hinder the growth of corne; therefore are all manner of weedes whatfoever; comprehended
and contained under the same. Virgil
approoving the same where he saith:
Geor. I.
Ceres taught how first to tilt
The land for mans auaile:
When acornes, wildings berries, fruits
In Dodon gan to faile.
how by toile of husbandrie
Ech danger to prevent,
blasting should the crop destroy
Or Thistels overgrow the same :
For where such things remaine,
The corne decaies and goes to wracke
And yeelds but slender gaine.
Sometimes there sproutes abundant store
baggage noisome weeds,
The corne decaies and goes to wracke
And yeelds but slender gaine.
Burres, Brembles, Darnel, Cockle, Drawke
Wilde Otes and
choaking seedes.
Lib. I. fa?t
Ouid also mentioning these foresaide
annoyances, willeth diligent care and husbandrie to be vsed for the extirping,
weeding and banishing of them, out of arable groundes and fieldes emploied to
In respect of the nature and qualitie
of these noisome weedes, which choake vp the good corne, and spoile fruitfull
fieldes, our Sauiour Chrift taketh occasion thereby to signifie and paint out
aswell dangerous, hurtfull, pernicious, corrupt and unsincere doctrine, as also
the wicked authors and setters foorth of the same; who through the instigation
of sathan with their pestilent gloses and suttle expositions, infect and poyson
the mindes and consciences of men, and corrupt the pure word of the Gospel; by
obtruding of falsehoode in steed of truth, and doting dreames in place of
sincere doctrine; lewdly prophaning the sound word of God, and infecting the
foode whereon our soules should seede.
Which perillous
and wicked persons although the Lord willeth charitably for some whileto be
tolerated and borne with all, in hope of amendement and repentance after due
admonition; yet doth he not forbid (as Chrysostome
saith) but that the conuenticles of heretikes shoulde; and ought, to bee put
downe, their mouthes stopped, and their impudencie: of speech inhibited. To the
same end and purpose also tendeth that sentence of the apostle Paule ynto Titus: A man that is an
heretike, that is, one that willfully and maliciously maintaineth false
doctrine, and erronious opinions ; Aftey
once or twice admonition, auoide,
knowing that hewhich is such an one, is peruerted and sinneth, being damned of his
owne selfe; bicause hee wilfully perisheth, through hisowne folly and fault
, in that he being admonished persisteth still in his obstinacie anderror.
And although Christ would not that the
Tares and Cockle should be plucked yp, yet, for due punishment doth he subiect
and referre to the authoritie of the magistrate, all those that be factious
disturbers of the peace and tranquillitie, both of the Church and Common
Prima Ceres ferro mortalis vertere terram
Instituit, quum iam glandes atque arbuta sacræ
Deficerent silvæ & victum Dodona negaret.
Mox & frumentis labor additus, vt mala culmos
Esset rubigo, segnisque horreret in aruis
Carduus, intereunt segetes, subit aspera silua,
Lappæque tribolique, inter que nitentia culta
Infelix lolium & steriles dominantur avenæ.
とあり,河津千代訳『ウェルギリウス 牧歌・農耕詩』未來社(1981)では,
農耕詩 第一巻 穀物
ウェルギリウスは,『牧歌,ECLOGUE』の『第五歌 天国の入口に立つダブニス.V.
MENALCAS, MOPSUS』で,モプススとメナルカスの歌合戦のなか,モプススの唄の中に Lolium を登場させている.上記と同じように,英訳では
Darnel ,和訳では毒麦とされている.
羅甸語原文(Project Gutenberg)
Daphnis thiasos
inducere Bacchi,
et foliis lentas intexere mollibus hastas.
Vitis ut arboribus decori est, ut vitibus uvae,
ut gregibus tauri, segetes ut pinguibus arvis,
tu decus omne tuis. Postquam te fata tulerunt,
ipsa Pales agros atque ipse reliquit Apollo.
Grandia saepe quibus mandavimus hordea sulcis,
infelix lolium et steriles nascuntur avenae;
pro molli viola, pro purpureo narcisso,
carduus et spinis surgit paliurus acutis.
英譯文(Project Gutenberg)
Daphnis, 'twas
thou bad'st yoke to Bacchus' car
Armenian tigresses, lead on the pomp
Of revellers, and with tender foliage wreathe
The bending spear-wands. As to trees the vine
Is crown of glory, as to vines the grape,
Bulls to the herd, to fruitful fields the corn,
So the one glory of thine own art thou.
When the Fates took thee hence, then Pales' self,
And even Apollo, left the country lone.
Where the plump barley-grain so oft we sowed,
There but wild oats and barren darnel spring;
For tender violet and narcissus bright
Thistle and prickly thorn uprear their heads.
和訳文(河津千代訳『ウェルギリウス 牧歌・農耕詩』未來社(1981))
薊(あざみ)や、鋭い棘をもった 茨***(バリウールス)がのびてくる。
レウィヌス・レムニゥス(Levinus Lemnius, 1505 – 1568)は,フランドルの医師で著述家.旧ルーヴェン大学でレンベルト・ドドエンス(Rembert Dodoens,1517 – 1585.フランドルの医師,植物学者)や,コンラート・ゲスナー(Conrad Gesner, 1516 – 1565,スイスの博物学者,書誌学者.医学,神学をはじめとするあらゆる知識,古典語を含めた多言語に通じ,業績をあげた碩学.著書『動物誌』全5巻 は,近代動物学の先駆けとされる.植物学にも長け,イワタバコ科の名称はゲスナーにちなむ.)及びイタリア,パドヴァ大学(1222年9月29日に創立された中世大学であり,イタリアで2番目に古い大学である. ガリレオ・ガリレイ,ダンテ,ペトラルカが教授を務めた)で,アンドレアス・ヴェサリウス(Andreas Vesalius,1514 – 1564,解剖学者,医師.現代人体解剖の創始者といわれる.)の薫陶をうけた.スイスや英国を訪問し,妻の死後聖職者となった.
トーマス・ニュートン(Thomas Newton, c. 1542–1607)は英国の聖職者(clergyman),詩人・著述家・翻訳者である.オックスフォード大学のトリニティ・カレジ,ケンブリッジ大学のクィーンズ・カレジ等で学んだ(多分神学と羅甸語).1583 年 Essex 州の Little Ilford のrector に任命され,この地で多くの著作物を生み出した.彼の最も高く評価されていた著作はキセロの書,及びセネカの悲劇の翻訳である.of from where most of his later works are dated. His most
significant publications were a series of translations of Cicero and of
Seneca's tragedies.[ また,ドドエンス著の本草書(" Crŭÿde boeck” 1554)の英語版,ヘンリー・ライト(H. Lyte)の ”A nievve herball, or, Historie of
プーブリウス・ウェルギリウス・マロー(羅甸語名:Publius Vergilius Maro、英語名:Virgil 或は Vergil,紀元前70 - 紀元前19)は、共和制ローマ末の内乱の時代からオクタウィアヌス(アウグストゥス)の台頭に伴う帝政の確立期にその生涯を過ごし,ラテン文学の黄金期を現出させたラテン語詩人の一人である。『牧歌 Eclogues』、『農耕詩 Georgics』、『アエネーイス Aeneid』の三作品によって知られる。ヨーロッパ文学史上、ラテン文学において最も重視される人物であるとともに,その後のヨーロッパ文学に大きな影響を与えた.
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