vulgaris(セイヨウクサレダマ)は,古くから薬草として知られていて,古代ギリシャの本草学者ディオスコリデスの『薬物誌』や,古代ローマの博物学者プリニウスの『博物誌』に記載されていて,後世の欧州本草家達は,それぞれの場所に自生する多数の植物を, Lysimachia の類として考定し,記録に残した.
前記事に続いて,ジョン・ジェラード(John Gerard aka John Gerarde, 1545 – 1611 or 1612)の『本草あるいは一般の植物誌
“The herbal, or, General
Historie of plantes”』1597 版の “Of Willow-herbe, or Loose-strife.” の章の全文の後半部を記す.出来るだけ原文に忠実にテキスト化したので,スペルは現在の英語とは異なる点もある.誤読解等の疑問がある場合は Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) に公開されている原典を参照されたい.また,次に UP する予定の Johnson 改訂版と比較すると,スペルの変遷等が辿れて興味深い.この記事の “Willow-herbe”
『本草あるいは一般の植物誌 “The herbal, or, General Historie of plantes”』(1597)
“Of Willow-herbe, or Loose-strife. Chap. 122 (2/2)
* The kindes
7. Lysimachia campesiris, Wilde Willowe herbe
8. Lysimachia syluarica, Wood Willowe herbe
* The description. (2/2)
We have likewise another Willowe herbe that groweth neere unto the
brinkes of rivers and water courses. This I found in a waterie lane leading from
the Lord Treasures house called Thibals
unto the backside of his slaughter house; and in other places as shall be
declared hereafter: which L’Obelius
hath called Lysimachia galericulata,
or hooded Willowe herve. It hath many smal tender stalks trailing upon the
grounde, beset with divers leaves, somewhat snipt about the edges, of a deepe
greene colour like unto the leaves of Scordium,
or water Germander: among which are placed sundrie small blew flowers,
fashioned like little hoode, in shape resembling those of Alehoove. The root is
small and fibrous, dispersing it selfe under the earth far abroad, wherby it
greatly increaseth.

* Water germander (Teucrium scordium)
* Alehoove, Ale-hoof: Ground Ivy, Glechoma hederacea, 和産カキドオシ(シソ科,カキドオシ属)の基本種.古代から Ale の苦味付けや眼病の治療に用いた.
Ale-hoof: Ground Ivy |
The wilde Willowe herbe hath fraile and verie brittle stalkes, slender,
and of the height of a cubite, sometimes higher: whereupon do grow sharpe
pointed leaves somewhat snipt about the edges, set togither by couple. There
come foorth at the first long slender coddes, wherein is conteined small seede,
wrapped in a cottonie or downie wooll, that is carried awaie with the winde
when the seed is ripe; at the end of which commeth footh a small flower of a
purplish colour, whereupon it was called Filius
ante Patrem, because the flower doth not appeere until the cod be filled
with his seed: but there is another sonne before the father, as hath beene declared
in the chapter of meadowe Saffron. The roote is small and threddie.
7. Wilde
Willowe herbe は,1キュビット(約50センチほど)か,それより高いもろく大変か弱い,細い莖を持ち,対生の縁に鋸歯のある先の尖った葉をつける.最初に,熟したときには風によって遠くに運ばれる綿状あるいは羽毛状の毛に包まれた小さな種を内蔵した長い細い莢が伸びだし,最後に,その先に紫色を帯びた小さな花がつく.莢が種によって満たされて後,花が現われるが故に,これはFilius ante Patrem (父の以前に息子)と呼ばれる.他にも「父の以前に息子」と呼ばれる植物があり,Meadow
Saffron (イヌサフラン)の章に記した.根は小さくて糸状である.
The woode Willow herbe hath a slender stalkes divided into other smaller
braunches, whreon are set long leaves, rough and sharpe pointed, of an
overworne greene colour. The flowers growe at the tops of the braunches,
consisting of fower or five small leaves, of pale purplish colour tending to
whitenes, after which come long cods, wherein are little seeds wrapped in a
certaine white downe, that is caried away with the winde. The roote is
8 Woode
(木性の)Willow herbe は多くの小さめの枝をつける細い莖を持ち,それには,やや粗く,先のとがった,色あせたような緑色の長い葉をつける.やや白みがかる薄い紫色の,4から5枚の小さな花弁からなる花は枝の先につき,その後長い莢が伸びるが,その中には風によって遠くに運ばれるある種の白い羽毛に包まれた小さな種がある.根は糸状である.
![]() |
Palmstruch, J.W., “Svensk botanik” vol. 7 t. 437 (1812) |
“A Catalogue Of Plants Cultivated In The Garden of John Gerard , In The Years 1596—1599. Edited
With Notes, References to Gerard's Herball, The Addition of Modern Names, And A
Life of The Author”, Benjamin Daydon Jackson, F.L.S. Privately printed. LONDON . 1876.
*The Place (2/2)
第六-八種についての生育場所は Description にあるので,ここには記述がない.
*The time
These herbes flower in June and July, and oftentimes until August.
*The Names
Lysimachia, is as Dioscorides and Plinie doe write, tooke his name of a special
vertue that it hath in appeasing the strife and unrulinesse which falleth out
among oxen at the plough, if it be put about their yokes; but it rather retaineth
and keepeth the name Lysimchia, of King
Lysimachus the Sonne of Agathocles, the first finder out of the
nature and vertues of this herbe, as Plinie saith: which retaineth the name of
him unto this day, and is made famous of Erasistratus
in his 25. book chap. 7. Ruellius
writeth, that is called in French Cornelle
and Corneloa; In Greeke λυσιµάχιον: of the Latines Lysimachium:
of Plinie Lysimachia: of the later writes Salicaria:
in high Dutch Wederick: in English Willow herbe, or herbe Willow , and Loose strife.
Chamanerium is called of Gesnerus
Epilobion. in English Bay Willow, or Bay Willow herbe.
ディオスコリデスとプリニウスが記した如く,リシマキアと言う名前は,耕作の際に同じ軛に繫がれた二頭の牡牛の相性が悪く争いが起きた時に,その軛にこれを置けばそれを鎮めるというこの植物の特別な効用に由来する.しかしこの名はむしろ,プリニウスが云う様に,アガソクレスの息子で,この植物の効用を最初に発見したリシマクス王の名をとってリシマキアと言う名を今に至るまで語り継がれ継続された.とされよう.この効用はエラシストラツスの著作の第25巻7章でよく知られるようになり,ルリウスはこれがフランス語で “Cornelle and Corneloa” と呼ばれると記した.ギリシャ語 “λυσιµάχιον” では,ラテン語では “Lysimachium”,プリニウスでは “Lysimachia”,後世になると “Salicaria”
と書かれた.高地オランダ語では “Wederick”,英語では “Willow herbe, or herbe Willow, and
Loose strife” と呼ばれる.
カマネリウム(第四種)は(ゲスナーの名をとって)” Gesnerus Epilobion” と呼ばれ,英語では “Bay Willow, or Bay Willow herbe” と呼ばれる.
* The Vertues
The juice according to Dioscorides,
is good against the bloodie fixe, being taken either by potion or glister.
B It
is excellent good for greene wounds, and stancheth the blood: being also put
into the nostrils, it stoppeth the bleeding at the nose.
The smoke of the burned herbe driveth away serpents, and killeth flies and
gnats in a house; which Plinie
speaketh of in his 25. booke, chap. 8. Snakes saith he, craull away at the
smell of Loose srife. The same author affirmeth in his 26. booke, last chap.
that it dieth haire yellow; which is not very unlike to be done by reason the
floures are yellow.
The others have not beene experimented, wherefore until some matter worthy
the noting, doth offer it selfe unto our consideration, I will omit further to
discourse hereof.
The juice of yellow Lysimachia taken inwardly, stoppeth all fluxe of
blood, and the Dysenteria or bloodie flixe.
The juice put into the nose, stoppeth the bleeding of the same, and the
bleeding of wounds, and mightly closeth and healeth them, being made into an
unguent or salve.
The same taken in a mother suppositorie of woole or cotton, bound up
with threds (as the maner thereof is very well knoent to women) staieth the
inordinate fluxe of overmuch flowing of women termes.
H It
is reported, that the fume or smoke of the herbe burned, doth drive away flies
and gnats, and all maner of venemous beasts.
A ディオスコリデスに拠れば,搾液は “potion or glister” のどちらで摂取しても,血止めに効果がある
B これは生傷と止血に著明な効果があり,鼻孔につめると鼻血を止める.
C 燃やした煙は毒蛇を追い払き,家の中の蠅と蚊を殺す.このようにプリニウスは彼の著作の第25巻第8章に記した.彼はまたこの植物の臭いが蛇を追い払うと云った.同著者は第26巻の最後の章で,これは髪を黄色にすると断言したが,これは花が黄色であることが理由だとは到底考えられない.
D 他の効用は実験されていない,それ故我々の考慮に提供できる,記録するに価する知見が得られるまで,ここではこれ以上論議しない.
E 黄色いリシマキアの搾液を内服すれば,全流血を止め赤痢 (Dysenteria)? あるいは Bloodie flixe を止める.
F 搾液を鼻孔に注入すれば鼻血を止め,軟膏や膏薬にすると傷からの出血をとめ,強力に傷口をふさぎ治癒する
G この薬草は(女性にはよく知られているやり方で)糸で括られた羊毛や綿の膣座薬?(a mother supporsitorie)として処方されると,(women termes)の不規則で過剰な流出(流産?)を(staieth)停止させる.
H この薬草を燃やしたときの蒸気や煙は,蠅や蚊,全ての種の有害な動物を追い払うとされている.
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