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Bessler, Basilius, Hortus Eystettensis, vol. 2 1613 |
これらの書を受け継いだ中世以降の本草書には,多くの ”Lysimachia” の類の名の付いた植物が記載され,これらは英国では
“Willow-herbe, Loose-strife” と呼ばれていた.その中には,「真の」或は「黄色の」との冠をつけられたLysimachia vulgaris を含むサクラソウ科のオカトラノオ類の他に,ミソハギ科のエゾミソハギや,アカバナ科のヤナギランや後世には米大陸から招来された evening primrose マツヨイグサの類など多種の植物が含まれていた.
英名の ”Willow-herb(e)”
また,鮮やかな黄色い花の観賞価値が高く評価され,庭園でも育てられ,バシリウス・ベスラー(1561-1629)の『アイヒシュテットの庭園』(1613) (上図)など多くの植物図譜に美しい絵が描かれている.
★ウィリアム・ターナー (William
Turner ,1520-1568) 『新本草書 A new
Herball 』(1551~1568).
イギリスの自生植物のうち 238
”Loose-strife(争いを鎮める)” はその一例で,現在でも一般名として使われている名稱は他に ”Goats-beard”, “Hawkweed”, “Stone Parsley”, ”Ground Pine” などがある.彼の “A new herball, vol II” (1562) には,
“ Of Lysimachia
Lysimachia putteth forth stalks of the
length of a cubit or some time longer, bushy, small, & the leaves com out
at the knees or knots or joints of the herb. They are thinne, & in fasshion
lyke wylow leaves, & in taste byndyng. The flower is dark rede or of the
colour of golde. It growth in watery & in marrishe & fennish groundes.
Thys is a very comen herb in Germany
& England ; I mervell that
Matthiolus could not fynd it in Italy
until it was sent hym from Rome
by Vincent Canton to Goritia. But although it be
found in mani places in England ,
yet I coulde never learne any English name of it. It may be called after the etimologi
of the worde, & also of the virtue that it hath, lous strife, or it may be
called herbe willow. The Duche men call it weyderich.
The virture of Lousstrife
The juice of the leaves by ther bynding poure
stoppeth the castyng out the blood. It is ether to be poured in or to be taken
inward for the blody flyx. If it be put in a mother suppository, it will stop
the excessive runnyng or issue of the mother. If ye stop your nose with thys
herb, it will stop the runnyng out of blood of it. It stayeth also the
excessive running out of blood out of woundes. It dryveth away serpentes &
killeth flies with his smoke, for it is wonders sharpe in smell. There is an other
Lysimachia besyd it that I have spoken of with redish purple floure, that
groweth much about water sydes with an head like an ear; But I read of no other
properti that it shoulde have then it which hath the yellow or golden floures.”
(出来るだけ中世英語の原文に沿って記載しているので,現代英語とは異なっているスペルや文字が散見される.例えば現代英語での “i” が “y” であったり,語尾に余計な “e” や,”th” があるなど.)
(出来るだけ中世英語の原文に沿って記載しているので,現代英語とは異なっているスペルや文字が散見される.例えば現代英語での “i” が “y” であったり,語尾に余計な “e” や,”th” があるなど.)
と,三種の “Lysimachia” を記載したが,花が暗赤色と黄金色のを同等に扱い,薬効はディオスコリデスやプリニウスの記載通り,服用による血流の改善・止血,塗布による傷の治癒,燻蒸による有害動物(蠅,蚋,蛇)の駆逐,そして英名の由来としての,家畜の諍いの沈静化を挙げている.最後に挙げた効用から,この植物に “louse strife” の英名をつけることを提案した.
添付図版は着色されているが,原著は無彩色.後世,商品価値を高めるために不適切に色を塗ったため,Lysimachia lutea (Lysimachia vulgaris, セイヨウサレダマ)の本来は黄色い花が,赤く塗られたと思われる.図の
Lysimachie purpurea - - -
は Epilobium
hirsutum, オオアカバナ,Lysimachia
III は,Lythrum salicaria エゾミソハギと考えられる.
Lyte, 1529-1607)『新本草書 ”A niewe
”A niewe Herball” には,
“Of Lysimachion / Willow
herbe or Lous Strife
There are now diverse kindes of herbes
comprehended under the name Of Lychimachia, but especially foure, under whiche
all the lysimachies shalbe comprised. He first is the right Lysimachion. The
second is the red willow herbe with coddes*. The third is the second kinde of
redde willow herbe without Coddes. The fourth is a kinde of blew Lysimachion.
1. The first Lysymachion, or the yellow
Lysimachion, has a round stalke, very littell crested or straked, of a Cubite
or two long. The leaves be long & narrow like willow, or wythie leaves,
nothing at all cut or snipt about the edges, but three or foure leaves standing
one against an other round about the stalke, at the joyntes. The floures be yellow
and without smell, and grow at the toppe of the branches, in steede wherof whan
they are fallen away, there groweth rounde seede, like Coriander seede. The
roote is long and slender, creping here and there, and putteth forth yong
springs, whiche at their first comining by are redde.
2. The second Lysimachus in leaves and
stalkes is like to the other, - --
3. The second kinde of redde Lysimachus is
like to afosesayde, in stalkes & leaves, ----
4. The blew Lysimachus also in stalke abd
leaves is like the oters: ----
Lysimachion verum. Yellow Lysimachion &
Louse strife.
Lysimachium purpureum primum. The first
purple red, willow herbe, or Lysimachium,, also the Sonne before the father**.
Lysimachion purpureum alterum. Parttzan Lysimachion, or Spiked*** Lysimachion.
Lysimachium caeruleum. Blew Lysimachion.
The yellow & redde do grow in wateridh
& moyst places, in low medowes, and about the brinckers and borders of
water brookes and diches. The blew is not found in this countrey but in gardens
of such as loue Hebes.
They do all floure most commenly in June,
and July, and their seede is ripe in August.
The yellow Lystpsimachus or golden Louse stryfe,
is colde. Dry, and astringent. The temperament of the redde and blew Lystmachia,
is not yet knowen.
The joyce of the leaves of the yellow Lysimachus
stoppeth all fluxe of bloud, and the Dyfenterria or bloudy eyther taken inwardy,
or otherwise applied outwardly.
The same stayeth the inordiate course of wemens
floures, being put with a peffaric of wool or cotton into the Matrix, or
secrete place of women.
The herbe bruses & put into the nose,
stoppeth the bleebing of the same, and it doth joyne togier and close up all woundes
and stoppeth the bloud, being layde thereupon.
The perfume of this herbe dryed, driveth
away all Serpents & benemous beast, and killeth flies and knattes.
The Choyse.
Whan ye will use Lysimachus, for any griefe
aforesayde, ye shall take none other but of that kinde with the yellow floure,
which is the right Lysimachus: for although the others have now the selfe name,
yet have they not the same vertue and operation.”
と青い花をつける Veronica spicata (spiked*** speedwell, ヒメルリトラノオ) や,エゾミソハギなど数種の植物を “Lysimachia” 類としているが,薬効や効果が確認されているのは,黄色い花をつける真の “Lysimachion verum. Yellow Lysimachion & Louse strife” のみであるとして,その薬効や効果は,ドドネウスやターナーの記述を踏襲している.
* Codded:cod の複数形.cod は種や果実を内蔵する莢や皮
** Sonne before the father:「父より先に息子」の意味で,花が葉の展開より先に開く植物,例えばフキタンポポ(coltsfoot)やイヌサフラン(naked lady)を云うのが一般的だが,この植物では,蕾が長く伸びた子房の先について,種がなってから花が咲くと考えたことから云ったらしい(次記事参照).
*** spike: 穂状(スイジョウ)花序.花は多数,無柄で,花序軸にほぼ均等につくもの.
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