Heloniopsis orientalis
おまけは e-Bay の Auction で買った”Curtis Botanical Magazine” 1888 の石版手彩色図譜.
Native of Japan and Corea.
This interesting plant has long been known to botanists,but the genus is now brought for the first time into cultivation. It is spread widely in the mountains of Japan,its altitudinal range,according to Mr.Maries,being from two thousand to seven thousand feet above sea-level
It has lately been discovered in Corea by Mr. W. R. Carles,and it is very likely that the Formosan H.umbellata, Baker,will prove to be only a geographical variety of the same species.
It has the general habit of a large-flowered Scilla,to which genus it was originally referred by Thunberg,but the rootstock is not a bulb,the leaves are persistent and not fleshy in texture,and the small seeds are conspicuously tailed at each end,like those of a Narthecium or Pitcairnia.
It appears to be perfectly hardy in England.It was brought to home by Mr.Maries,and first flowered by Messrs. Veitch in the spring of 1881.0ur drawing was made from a plant presented by Messrs. Veitch that flowered in the herbaceous pits at Kew in April, 1887.
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